Chapter 28

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Three days have passed. The silence of walking to the Forrest was hard to get used to at first. They're about two more days away.

Six more people were dead by her hands.

Both of them were a wreck to say the least. Not more then seven words have been spoken in the three days.

(Y/n) was breaking inside, the shame was eating her alive from the inside out. It was starting to show. The way she would come back crying from hunting, the way she nervously glanced at her sword, as if it had a mind of its own. No longer did the two of them admire their weapons beauty, it scared them.

Once again, she came back with two squirrels, and looked down while she walked. She followed the flame to make her way back to Midoriya. She couldn't bring herself to meet his gaze. She had told him her background, her beliefs, the promise she made to herself all this years ago. Only to have it broken seven times. He witnessed her break a vow she swore on her own life to keep.

Midoriya wasn't doing much better. All the training, all the talks of confidence, down the drain, thrown away.

His sword has remained untouched this entire time. He was being protected more than ever.
He didn't even know why, he was the one she was protecting, not herself. She continued to fight for him.

Once their food is cooked over the open flame, she hands his portion over to him, or she tries to.

"I'm not hungry"

"You have to eat"

He hated hearing her like that more than ever. Her voice, so lifeless, no longer were the conversations that lasted hours, staying up watching the stars. It was his fault, without her stopping Midoriyas negative thoughts like she usually would they kept getting worse and worse. Pinning the blame on himself, taking responsibility for everything that has occurred so far, he was just so tired.

"You caught them, you deserve it more than me"

"You still need to eat, you need your strength if we're going to be walking all day tomorrow"

"What strength, your the one doing everything"

"You know that's not true"

Both of them were getting frustrated at each other.

"You know it is though, I'm practically dead weight at this point"

"Don't say th-"

"Why haven't you dropped me yet, I can't protect myself and I'm the reason that you had to kill someone"

The silence was loud. The both of them could hear their ears ringing. The hurt in (Y/m)s eyes was prominent. How could he think so lowly of her.

"Every human life matters, your values as a person. You are the smartest person I know, you can think on the spot, and you're a fast learner. Don say that you're not worth my protection when you are also human, you're not less than anybody"

"But I made you kill someone, you promised yourself that you wouldn't and I'm the reason you broke it"

"It was my decision, you didn't-"

"If you consider all lives to be equal why would you kill seven people for me"

(Y/n) felt the weight of what he just said on her heart. Her actions finally being spoken, she had killed seven people. Seven people who could have been saved. Midoriya immediately regretted what he had said.

"(Y/n), I'm-"


This had Midoriya appalled.

"Seriously! The world as we know it is ending and your protecting me, risking your own life and personal goals over a stupid vow!"

"They were going to kill you, I'm not letting that happen"

"That's the point. Because of me you were forced to kill people, something you've told me you never wanted to do. (Y/n), don you see how bad of a person that makes me. I'm the reason you couldn't uphold a vow you made to yourself. That's much more important than the one to protect me."

"Than what does that make me"


"I valued your life over seven other individuals. What does that make me"

"I- it makes you strong, and loyal, and me a coward"

"No it doesn't, Izuku I'm that bad guy here, stop blaming yourself. My goal was ridiculous anyways, who ever heard of a knight who never killed anyone?"

"It could have been you though, if it weren't for me"

"If it weren't for you I wouldn't be where I am today, I wouldn't have come to terms with so much, I would be so much worse off with out you, Izuku I-"

She swallowed thickly and her face flushed red.

Izuku was blushing as well, tears once again streamed down his face.

"Thank you"


"Thank you for calling me by my first name, I like it"

"O-oh yeah, sure"

The two of them just stare at each other. There were no more distractions, only Izuku and

(Y/n) couldn't hold herself back anymore, the build up of her emotions towards the prince, her prince were too overwhelming.

The past months of memories with him, gazing at the stars with her, sparing, reading, doing everything together. The way he looked up in wonder at the stars, how she'd catch him staring at her every once in a while, how they'd tease each other every so often. The way he zoned out sometimes during training, how he looked so soft but so determined, he made her feel like she could do anything. He pushed herself past her limits.

I guess in the moment it's hard to tell, with the different emotions hard to distinguish. Platonic and romantic feelings are difficult. The difference between them can be so minuscule, but in the back of her mind I guess (Y/n) always knew,

"Izuku I'm in love with you"

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