Chapter 36

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Chills is all they could describe as every inch of (Y/n)s body was cold. It was so cold.

But that's not to say it was unpleasant.

Just hours earlier they had found Bakugou and Kirishima, disregarding the earlier instances as paranoia. The Forrest was taking its role in them.

"We have to go in eventually, we can't just stay here all day"

Bakugou seemed annoyed with the others, why weren't they getting this over with. They were letting their fears overtake their drive to complete their task and it was pathetic to him. He couldn't wait any longer.

It was brash to say the least of what he did, storming into the structure of cobblestone, arms up and ready to fight. His long sword caught the sunlight and glistened, it would have intimidated any monster if it weren't for the others running behind him, panicked at his actions.

Kirishima supported him but he was taken off guard. The Forrest took a toll on him not only physically, but mentally all he could think of was death. He couldn't get it off his mind, the idea that there could be nothing, or something, afterwards. He tried best not to think of it though it was haunting him.

As he chased his boyfriend he was expecting to run, but when it was cut short by Bakugou stopping midway through the door it caused panic to build up in his stomach.

"Hey, what do you see?"

He didn't answer, only walked inside at a pace he could only describe as cautious. He had never seen him in such a state, and soon he knew why.

Inside there was a single piece of paper on an alter, purple light glowed from it and it was written in a long but thin cursive.

The four approached.

It was a contract.

"This is it"

It had to be his, it just had to be, and now all they needed to do was break it. Without bothering to read it, it was sliced by the long sword, splintering the wood beneath along with it.

For a moment there was silence.

The silence was a deafening one, for a fraction of a second it were to seem there was nothing.

And then there was something.

The ground shook and a deep laugh bellowed out. He was here.

Izuku was the first to turn around, his face paled.

"But the contract-"

The rest of them looked back at the parchment now dissolving infront of their eyes. They looked back at him and he was adorned with a sickening grin.

He took a step forward, magic swirled around him and (Y/n) stepped infront of Izuku slightly, withdrawing her sword. All for one looked at her and smiled. The smile was a sickening one, even wider than before, as if he was recalling a joke that only a man as sick as himself would find funny.

He took one step forward, she put her arm out infront of Izuku, he was frozen in place. He took another step, and then another, an echo rang out with each one.

They all were frozen, the malice was dripping off of him.




He was a meter away before Bakugou charged at him, breaking his own trance, drawing his sword and preparing to strike. He jumped high into the air and just as he was about to strike down.


Kirishimas eyes widened, his head darted towards the wall that now was dented with the shaking body of his partner. (Y/n) looked over as well, the fear she felt was unmatched to any she had felt before.




He leaned down to her level, her eyes still trained on Bakugou and mouth slightly agape.

"Who ever said it was my contract"

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