Chapter 15

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To say Midoriya was confused was an understatement. Not only about his feelings for the girl, but why she decided to start digging at a random patch in her old front yard. He glanced to the house it belonged to. It was covered in moss and vines, some of the windows were broken, and the door was caved in. Obviously no one had touched it since it was robbed.

(Y/n) let out an audible sigh as she unearthed what ever she had tasked herself with doing.

"I almost forgot about this"

Midoriya inspected it, it looked like a normal trunk. About two feet by one and a foot tall with a small pad lock on it. The metal was a bit rusted but you could tell it was once a brilliant copper. The walls of the box seemed to be made of any ordinary wood, spruce maybe.

(Y/n) looked at the lock and took it into her hand,
"I think the key was kept in my older sisters room"
Both of them looked over at the house, not really wanted to go inside.

"You know what.."
(Y/n) really didn't want to go inside that house from the fear of what she would find. She unsheathed her sword and in one harsh blow she broke the lock off. Midoriya looked at her a bit shocked. 'I guess the chest wasn't sentimental'.

She opened up the lid creakily and smiled to herself at its contents. It was all books. Nothing but books. She took a a couple of them out and started putting them in her bag.

"I planned to open this up with my siblings but I guess you see how well the worked out"

She chuckled to herself, Midoriya didn't know if he should laugh or not. Still getting used to even the idea that she could be sarcastic.

"Anyways so at the time we buried it we put in the things we were most proud of and a couple of our diaries. My oldest sister (S/n) was insanely smart, by the time she was 13 she had learned seven languages, she was able to teach me two of them actually. She wrote down a complete translation guide for all of them including a lot of grammar rules. She also explored the magic Forrest and studied a lot of its creatures with Mei. She was only able to write down the languages though."

She gestured to the stack of seven almost identical thick books that were still in the time capsule. She was obviously very prideful of her sister's accomplishments.

"The one closest to my age (S/n) was 11 and she was the best chef you'd probably ever meet. A lot of her food was even better than what they serve at the castle. She was able to take simple recipes and perfect them even past the imagination. She buried a book of her favorite recipes."

"(B/n) was a musical prodigy. He could play almost any instrument like he had for forty years when he was only 7. He even started to compose his own songs, though his hand writing was atrocious"

She laughed a bit at that comment to herself. Midoriya joined in lightly and picked up a couple of the books.

"Want me to help you carry them?"

"Sure, that would be great"

"What did you write?"

She smiled to herself and picked up a red hard covered book along with a few rolled up pieces of paper.

"I documented the stars. Their patterns, seasons, constellations, and all the stories I could find. I compiled them all into here"

She held up the book and then the papers.

"These are the maps of the stars for all the seasons, or at least as accurate as a nine year old could draw them"

"How did you guys do all of this while you were so young?"

"Well when you don't really have anything to do all day every day, you get very bored"

They laugh and begin to flip through some of the books. Midoriya looks through the one by (Y/n). He tried to read it as best he could but due to the sun being down at this point it was quite difficult.

"Do you still remember the constellations? I know you talk about them with Yaoyarozu and Kirishima but do you remember the stories behind them?"

"Yeah, why?"

Midoriya became flustered for reasons he would like to say were beyond his comprehension.

"I can't read the book due to it being night, and it's pretty clear out, can you show me them?"

She smiled widely at his request.

"Yeah of course!"

He had never heard her sound so excited before, like a little kid showing their parent something they made at school. She packed the last of the books in her bag and took his hand to lead him to a windmill. She quickened her pace to a run as she got closer and closer.

"Come on"

She led him up a ladder on the out side. They could see the whole village from up there. It was beautiful. Before he could properly take in the view (Y/n) told him to look up. There was no way to describe it other than brilliant. There were thousands of stars brighter than anything he had seen before. His surroundings were pitch black in comparison. They were everywhere, dotting the night sky like freckles.

"It's beautiful isn't it"

He had to tear his eyes away from the scene above to look at her. She looked at him with admiration. He blushed.


She lied down and began to ramble about all the different constellations visible in August. He had never dealt so at peace than when he did in that moment. Listening to a voice he never thought he would hear let alone ramble on about something while gazing into a sea of endless stars. He was exhausted but he couldn't seem to close his eyes.

Can you tell I like astronomy? I hope you guys are doing well, the question for today is what will you guys do once COVID is over. I'm going on a road trip with my friend all around my state. It's not going to be an over night thing obviously because we're only 15 right now but once we get our licenses and the pandemic is over we're off!
Like usual have a good morning, day, and night!

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