Chapter 39

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The silence was deafening, the attempts at light conversation dropped ages ago and now the five of them just sat there.

Midoriya looked a wreck. His eyes held bags and were a light pink from crying. Everybody looked at him in pity and exhaustion, except Bakugou of course.

"Alright let's get to it, we can't put everything on hold, people's lives are affected as well as ours"

He sounded uncaring but Bakugou had a point, damage control was a thing they had to do.

"Yeah, yeah"

Todoroki was hesitant to say anything, he had seen how much Yaoyarozu was affected by
(Y/n)s death, to say she had taken it hard was an understatement. She had spent countless nights up on the balcony, just staring up at the stars, the cold and tough exterior broken through. He had tried to comfort her but it was difficult, the both of them were not good with emotions.

"We have enough budget for 2/3rds of the cost of most of the estimated construction, it would undoubtedly take a long time, probably decades but that's all the more reason to start now."

Kirishima spoke up next " Yes that would be wonderful, we could actually..."

Midoriya tuned them all out, he was in his own world, none of them understand, they could never understand what it was like.

The few days he could call her his were magical. They might have been in the end of the world but her hand comforted him to an extent he never knew possible. He felt so safe with her.

Images flashed through his mind of the assault. Blood dripping down his sword and covering his body, he could still here all for ones screams echo out through the structure.

That and the sound of his blade piercing through his body was the only thing they could hear for miles.

They had found out later that day that they were in all mights temple, it was his contract they had ripped, though it was probably a relief to him.

The body of all might still hadn't been found and it probably never would be.

He only had flashes of her last moments, and he didn't mind not knowing. The memories of cradling her body while sobbing and the walk out of the Forrest, covered in a mixture of blood was too much for him to deal with already.

".....riya? Midoriya are you there?"

He was snapped out of his thoughts by Kirishima.

"It's almost sunset, the meetings over"

He looked out the window, so it was.

He just stood up, not brave enough to face any of them and walked to his room.

The halls were a stark reminder of his new found boredom with the palace, every corridor stretched in an endless twist and only seemed to be teasing him with memories of her.

Call him obsessed, he didn't care.

He lie down on his bed and stared to the ceiling, he hadn't even been able to give her his first kiss.

As he drifted to sleep, a familiar dream played through his mind.

He couldn't tell if it was a blessing or a curse to see her again.

Time for questions again because some of you are actually responding and it makes me so happy! If you know, what do you want to have a career in, or what do you have a career in? I want to go into nuclear science, chemistry or physics but I want to work with fusion specifically, I think it's really cool! Thank you all so so much, and have a good morning, day, and night!

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