Chapter 25

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Running through the trees, hand in hand with the one you loved was always perceived as such a romantic gesture. While Midoriya had definitely thought of that scenario more than once, what can I say he's hopelessly romantic, this scared him. He was scared when the adrenaline wore out of (Y/n)s system he would be alone. His clothes had small rips in them from catching on loose branches and there was definitely going to be a bruise from where his swords sheath kept hitting his calve as the ran.

Mid thought, his foot catches on an overgrown root and he falls hard into the dirt. His palms were slightly skinned from the impact but he couldn't seem to get up. He looks up and (Y/n) was a couple yards ahead of him. She turned around and paced back to him quickly.

As she knelt down to his level he was deeply panting to attempt to catch his breath.

"Come on, there's a clearing just up ahead"

Both of their eyes locked and hearts raced. Both of them were crying.

They heard a branch snap in the distance.

Before any of them could utter a word the clashing of sword against sword could be heard.

Followers had stumbled upon them, seven of them to be exact.

She fought with everything inside of her, overcompensating in the process. The follower was overwhelmed and gave pretty easily, stumbling back into a tree.

Unfortunately while (Y/n) was focused another one of the followers approached Midoriya from behind. She couldn't focus on him. She hadn't noticed that she could only see six.
Not like last time.

Last time she was cool and collected, but right now she was disheveled, distracted, and fueled purely by adrenaline.

So when she heard the distinct gasp behind her of the prince, of Midoriya, she whipped around and threw her sword at the man who dared touch him.

She realized all too quick what she had done.

"-and under the goddess herself I swear to protect all citizens, no matter who, as well as her and his majesty, Izuku and Inko Midoriya"

Inko smiled at the girl.

"That's it"

She nodded at her.

"So, the enlister says your still a teenager, is that true?"

She nodded once again.

"You know most would consider it rude not to speak once spoken to."

Inko was only joking with the young girl but obviously she had missed that as she had turned bright red. She bent to a full bow.

"My deepest apologies your majesty"

"I-it's fine I was only joking"

She stood up straight and quickened her breath despite what should have been a phrase that made her relax. Inko smiled sympathetically with the young girl.

"You must be very strong if you've been able to make it to a position like this one, let alone at only 15 years of age"

"Thank you your majesty"

Inko smiled, but this time accompanied with a small laugh, she was cute.

"You know, my son is 15 years old as well, maybe you'll get along"

She tensed up and looked as if she were searching for the correct words to express what needed to be said.

"You must not talk often"

Once again, a blush adorned (Y/n)s cheeks and she nodded.
'When it's Mei I'm fine'

"Do you know how to communicate through sign language?"

(Y/n) smiled excitingly at this and nodded.

She signed back and forth with her basic introductions.

"We can communicate like this if you'd be comfortable with it"

*Yes please*

*Well, you are dismissed, if you need anything just let me know*

*yes your majesty*

The scene played through her mind as the last thing she saw was the blade given to her in the days following that slit the throat of one of the citizens she had sworn to protect that day and sliced the arm of the one she loved.

She could hear the six behind her rummage for their weapons but the stress and exhaustion from the day had caught up to her and her adrenaline wore out. Her knees buckled beneath her and blackness filled her vision.

She fell to the ground and he stood up. The followers had fled at the sight of their dead comrade despite what (Y/n) had perceived.

Though the two of them had felt the same thing, simultaneously as the both of them broke inwardly.

Hey, guess who had practice for eight hours today, so sorry that it's a little short today.
Thank you so much for reading btw, have a good morning, day and night!

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