Chapter 20

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The location was confirmed by none other that Bakugou himself.


Or I guess a more accurate picture would be that they knew everywhere where all might and all for one weren't.


Everyone was on guard due to the knowledge of the attack the next day. The three kingdoms had combined their armies together in order to not leave each other as defenseless as they could be. That didn't mean that they were guarded heavily either, currently the troops were on their way. 15,000 soldiers, or around 65% of their armies. If it failed they would be left extremely valuable.

The two continued to yell at each other as if it was the only thing they knew how to do. The frustration of not being able to do anything building up for the past three months all being released at once. Todoroki and Kirishima even started to get into it, trying to get Yaoyarozu and Bakugou off each other's throats.

Words were exchanged between the four, insults were thrown, and Midoriya had had enough.


Yeah that definitely did the trick.

"We all no how bad it is right now, and how we can't really do anything about it, BUT YELLING ISN'T GOING TO SOLVE ANYTHING!"

They were all still in a state of shock from Midoriya actually raising his voice. Even Bakugou knew that he shouldn't intervene.

He sat down at a table and everyone just sat along side him silently. When the one who had always been the peace keeper of the group loses his cool like that they figured it would be best not to anger him anymore.

"We know two important details, where he isn't and how to kill him. We need to calm down though it may be difficult. We are hundreds of miles away from the magic Forrest, we should be safe from him and the prophecy. I guess I should ask, did you guys find anything else"

Kirishima who sat across from him was the first to speak up.

"While we were flying nothing was too apparent outside, but in the Forrest I thought I could make out a structure near the center. It was fairly tall, just above the tree line and about 65 miles in I estimate. Unfortunately due to the whole 'not being able to be transformed in the Forrest' prevented us from actually investigating it."

It was Bakugous turn to add on to this, in a rare state of calm he stated.

"I know I'm stating the obvious but that's probably where he is. We would have gone in there on our own but the fog had thickened incredibly since I had last seen it. I plan on reading on how to navigate it tonight, I suggest you all do, it will probably be useful in the future and I'm not explaining it to any of you"

"There is no need"

Todoroki seemed to already be knowledgeable about the subject. Figured considering the incredible library he has.

"It's a simple concept but difficult to execute, though the fog will continue to thicken as you make your way through the wind will always travel towards the center. I suggest lighting a torch and following the flame considering it never picks up fast enough to blow it out either"

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