Chapter 31

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The two sweethearts of their respective pairs shared a hug while (Y/n) and Bakugou just stood there awkwardly. They would never admit it but they were happy to see each other uninjured and safe as well.

Kirishima and Izuku break their embrace and engage in small talk for a while. Bakugou and (Y/n) just let it happen. Bakugou was in a rare calm mood, the two of them just lied down on a nearby hill separately and looked at the clouds. He was deep in thought obviously, tuning in and out of the conversation with both of their partners. Talk from how they were doing, to any news of survivors, to updates on the corrupted were exchanged.

The moment of peace was relaxing, even Bakugou was worn out from the constant action. He loved it don't get him wrong, but it was non stop since the attack on the palace.

"-yeah, Momo and Todoroki should be arriving with reinforcements to help the injured soon, about a week I think"

This peaked both their interests.

"They're not going to make it in time"

A deep voice cut in lowly, only heard by (Y/n). She didn't turn her head but simply muttered back.

"I know, you ready for round two"

He smirked, but it was unseen by anyone.

"Hell yeah"

Bakugou had always been civil with her, not nice by any means, and around other people he would be just as much of an asshole, but in the few moments they had been alone together, he wasn't as aggressive as he usually would be. Maybe it was out of respect, maybe it was because she wouldn't tell anybody, who knew what went on in his head. She had a theory that being angry all the time wore him out, but of course she'd never say that to his face.

Nothing else was spoken between them, there was an unspoken agreement that they didn't small talk with each other as well.

Their relationship was weird if you could even call it one...

They tuned back into the other conversation, Kirishima described a plan to Izuku about how they were going to fight all for one once again in the canter of the Forrest.

"He's weakened from when we fought him earlier, and this time we'll have the upper hand. And the walk to the center structure should take around 3 1/2 days so by the time we get back Momo and Todoroki should be here with aid!"

"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. We should approach from separate directions though, so he doesn't have a chance to escape"

The two agreed and started formulating a plan. Izuku working out all of the possible issues in the plan and Kirishima, well being there for Moral support and suggesting ideas every now and then.

Their conversation was fascinating, they talked about risking their lives like it was a game, about fighting strategies, even combo moves they could use if it came down to it. (Y/n)s mind drifted to the prophecy, the goddess forsaken prophecy that has been at the back of all of their minds for months, would this be it. It could very well be, hell it probably should be.

In order for evil truly to be gone two of them had to die. Maybe that was why Bakugou was so quiet. This could be either one of their last days, and they were planning on going straight into the eye of the hurricane.

Before any of them could realize it the sun was setting. They picked up bread to share a while back and they casually ate it while watching the sky paint itself a pink and orange.

From up in the tall trees on the edge of the Forrest they could see the western horizon. It was beautiful.

She had never been one for sunsets, the stars had always fascinated her far more, but in these moments, similar to the one in the graveyard, she everything fell under rose tinted glasses. The world looked beautiful, she no longer had to look up at the stars, millions of miles away to notice natural beauty when the grass in front of them looked like it could be apart of heaven itself.

In moments where you can take a moment to watch the sunset, you feel ethereal.

I thought I lost feeling for someone, I talk to them literally for 2 minutes in passing time and my crush revives like Jesus Christ I swear.
Anyways have a good morning, day, and night!

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