Chapter 13

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The eyes are said to be the gateway to the soul. It's true, so many of our day to day thoughts can be read by paying attention to ones eyes.

For example in a pair of green eyes, (Y/n) could see surprise, regret, panic, and a hint of hope. All traits of someone being caught doing something they were told not to. I guess in this case it was implied but either way Midoriya knew what he had done violated her trust.

That could be seen in her (e/c) eyes, a look of betrayal and shock adorned them as she was comprehending what she was witnessing.

They could say a thousand words to each other but none were uttered as a cry of revenge was heard from the Lynel who had just finished healing its wounds.

The quartet sprinted down the mountaindespite his offense to her (Y/n) grabbed Midoriyas hand forcefully and ran down the winding, steep pathway. She was still out of breath but she could hear her heartbeat in her ear and if she slowed down, that might not be the case.

By the time they had made it to the bottom all were out of breath. She let go of Midoriyas hand and silently walked away, handing the syringe to Mei before departing.

"Wait, (Y/n)!"

Midoriya didn't know what he was doing, he had nothing to say, he just didn't want the relationship he had built up with her to sever completely. He felt that if she got away that would be the case.

"Don't bother, when she's silent like that no one can get through to her"

Mei's voice had lost its usual cheeriness when the realization hit her of the implications of him being there.

"You followed her didn't you"

"No, I swear we didn't it was just a coincidence"

"And how am I supposed to believe that"

Midoriya's mind went blank, she was right the only people who knew that they weren't trying to invade soon her privacy was him and Iida. Wait, Iida.

"The letter!"

Iida took this as a cue to pull it out from his bag pocket, he was planning on delivering it to Uraraka that day so he had brought it with him for the day.

"There is an exposition currently going on in the magic Forrest, I was ordered to deliver a notice to its leader, a girl named Uraraka. Midoriya wished to tag along to see the great plains along the way, we just happened to stay at your town."

This seemed entirely plausible to Mei. They lived not two miles from the Forrest, and if she remembered properly the route they described added up. She also remembered an exposition passing through her home a couple weeks ago.

"I would explain that to (Y/n) if I were you"

Iida offered up to go, claiming that it was his mission and he was the one who allowed them to follow the two.

"I'm really sorry, I just had never seen her so open before"

"Yeah, I heard that she really closed herself off when she started training, she never really told me why. I figured I shouldn't ask."

Midoriya and Mei made casual conversation as they walked. He was a bit surprised about how quickly it took her from bowing before him to conversing as if they were normal teenagers.

"So she used to be really open with everyone?" 

He wasn't believing what he was hearing. All he ever knew of her was the closed off and untrusting (Y/n). The one described by Mei was outgoing, sarcastic, loud. It was completely insane to him.

"I'm sort of in the same boat as you. You can't imagine her being open and I honestly couldn't picture her not talking every five minutes. I mean maybe around this time but every day of every week, that seems outlandish"

His attention was peaked by that.

"What's happening soon?"

Mei seemed to get a bit flustered by this.

"Well... I probably shouldn't be the one to tell you in all honesty, sorry I brought it up"

It was such a well known event around her village, talking about it directly was considered rude or almost taboo. It was just one of those things that was silently acknowledged, no words needing to be spoken.

"Okay, I'm assuming I shouldn't ask her about it and just let her bring it up on her own?"

"Spot on, although I've written letters back and forth with her, she trusts you so you'll find out soon enough."

"Wait really?"

He looked up at Mei to see if she was pulling his leg but his eye was caught by his friend, walking towards them and giving him a nod.

"I have explained to her to the best of my abilities the situation"

"What did she say?"

"Uhh, well"

Iida scratched the back of his neck, Mei was still grasping the concept of (Y/n) not talking obviously.

"Do you think I should try and talk to her"

"Yes, that would probably be a good idea"

Iida's words were sincere. He had properly explained the exact same thing as he had done to Mei and while the look of distrust on (Y/n)s face had softened, it was still there. Only he could apologize for his actions, and that same rule applied to Midoriya.

Midoriya walked from the direction Iida had come from on his own, watching out for her. He was about to turn around and ask where his friend had last seen her when he spotted her walking out of a shop with a bouquet of flowers.

Not wanting to make the same mistake twice he quickened his pace and walked beside her. He offered her a quick hey and only received only a nod. 'Understandable'. Wanting to give it one more try he asks.

"What are the roses for?"

It came out a lot more awkwardly than he had hoped and she only glanced at him in response. His heart temporarily crushed before she let out a sigh and nodded her head forward. Her eyes were trained infront of her and he followed without a second question.

No words were spoken as they walked at a moderate pace, the buildings were beginning to become scarce and the atmosphere dull, almost depressing. It hit Midoriya like a rock when her read the sign welcoming them to the village cemetery.

Hello there, not much from me today. I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far. Even though no one has answered them yet I'll keep asking them so do you guys prefer waffles or pancakes. I'm a waffle girl myself but pancakes are pretty good.
As always have a good morning, day, and night.

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