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You sat at your desk in the living room typing away quitely. The kids were down for the night, Harry was cooking dinner, and your bestfriends Ron and Hermione planned on coming over for a movie night. All four of you hadn't seen eachother since the Battle of Hogwarts which was some years ago so this was a really special night for all of you. You had almost finished writing all of your reports when suddenly your boss called you, asking if you could come into the office.

You sat at your desk with your forehead in your hand, groaning silently. "can this please just wait until tomorrow i had plans for this evening-" you argued but your boss wouldn't give in. "okay.. i'll be there" you said in defeat, hanging up the phone and sighing, Harry hearing this all from the kitchen. You got up and put your jacket on walking into the kitchen to give Harry a goodbye kiss "have fun tonight." you said rubbing the sides of Harrys arms and smiling. "i'll tell you all the details when you get back." he picked you up by the waist and spun you around making you giggle.

You has finally gotten home after a 5 hour night at the office doing nothing but helping your boss prepare for the monday meeting. You walked through the door and into the very dark living room squinting your eyes to hang your jacket up on a hook, you figured Harry had jumped into bed after the movie so you just skipped dinner and walked straight into the bedroom to join him. When you opened the door you saw Harry asleep peacefully making you smile lightly at him, you threw off your t-shirt and jeans slipping on sweatpants and one of Harrys sweaters and then jumping into bed.

You cuddled up to Harry without trying to wake him but you failed big time. He opened his eyes and looked at you "someones finally home." he said tiredly wrapping an arm around your waist and holding on firmly. You rested your head on his chest and nodded, "yeah long night.." you yawned and closed your eyes, feeling his lips press a kiss onto your forehead. "night darling." he whispered, "night harry." you whispered back.

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