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"harry she'll come back.."

"but she won't! he kidnapped her ron!"

"and we'll save her!"

"how do we know shes not already dead?"

"because harry.. y/n is the strongest person we know. shes not going down without a fight."


you had been missing for 3 weeks, the only people who knew what actually happened was Dumbledore, Harry, Hermione, Ginny, Ron, and Luna. Voldermort had kidnapped you while you were in the forbidden forest with Luna when it happened, it all went down so fast.. one minute you were with Luna talking about weird creatures, and the next you were in a dark dungeon all beat up and alone.

Everyday you were tortured an unbelievable amount and continuously asked where Harry Potter was hiding. Voldermort and his army were all so blind, they were right where Harry was but didn't catch him and instead looked for you. You didn't tell them that though you couldn't risk getting Harry hurt or even killed before he had found the horcruxes to weaken the dark lord himself.

You would just endure the torture in hopes you would find a way to escape or someone would find and rescue you before they tortured you to death. Your body ached more and more everyday, cuts and bruises covering your arms, legs, and face, dry blood turning your body red. You were absolutely not going down without a fight, and if it took getting killed for the sake of keeping your own boyfriend safe and hidden then so be it, you were prepared.

Luckily though Dobby had found his way to the dungeon and was determined to get you out of there. "Dobby has come to save you." a small figure said as he popped out of a dark corner, you smiled weakly and chuckled a bit "hey dobby." you whispered and jingled your chains a bit. Dobby snapped his fingers and your hands fell limp to the ground for a quick second, "oh thank god.. my arms were starting to hurt a lot more.." you rubbed your wrist trying to relieve the pain.

Dobby walked over to you and took a hold of your hand, you nodded at him and you two apparated away landing in the entrance of the castle. You gasped and looked around smiling some "i'm out of there!" you said with glee and tried your best to stand up but fell. The aching had gotten so bad it had made it hard to walk so instead you told dobby to go get Harry and them to help you. Dobby nodded and was very quick to apparate to the gryffindor common room where he found Harry leaning over the couch with his head in his hands.

"Harry potter.. come with me." the small elf said making an appearance infront of him. "not now dobby.." Harry sighed and lifted his head a bit, "but theres someone important downstairs at the entrance." Dobby said lowering his head. Harry raised his eyebrow and went down to the entrance carefully a little worried Dobby was tricking him just so the death eaters could get him but when he got there he saw your weak body leaning up against the door. He gasped and ran to you almost tripping down the stairs, "y/n!" he shouted and fell to his knees next to you.

You lifted yourself the best you could and looked at him with droopy eyes, "i'm back.." your weak voice said aloud. Harry looked at every inch at your body before his smile dropped to a frown, "oh y/n.. he hurt you so bad.." he said squeezing your hand softly bringing it up so he could kiss it. You nodded "yeah only because i wouldn't tell anyone where you were. i'm okay now.." you reassured him and scooted yourself closer to him yawning, "hospital wing?" he asked as he lifted you up trying not to hurt you.

You nodded and closed your eyes "yes please." your voice was getting quieter by the second. Harry rushed you to the hospital wing and laid you down on a bed going to get madem pomfrey, you have no idea what happened after that because you had fallen asleep as soon as you hit the bed, You hadn't slept in days so this felt really good. You woke up the next day to see Harry, Ron, and Hermione arriving just in time to see you, "y/n you're okay!" ron ran over to you and tried to hug you but he had hit a sore spot making you wince, which made him panic and pull away.

Hermione slapped his shoulder "be careful you git!" she hissed and glared at Ron. "its okay, it was an accident." you responded honestly and smiled assuringly. Harry leaned down to kiss your forehead making you blush "morning love." he said as he stood back up, "morning harry, ron, hermione." you looked at them and their relieved expressions. "how are you feeling this morning?" Hermione asked and sat in a chair next to your bed "i'm sore and aching everywhere, Madem Pomfrey says i might be out for the rest of quidditch season." you pouted your lip and pushed yourself up so you could sit comfortably.

Harry laughed "thats a good thing." he also sat down on the edge of your bed, "but i don't wanna stop playing quidditch just because a few jealous wizards want my boyfriend." you sighed and reached for his hand. He gladly laced his fingers with yours "love, you're hurt, you can barely walk, your voice has gone hoarse, and it hurts to breathe. its a good thing you're not playing." he teased and scooted closer towards you. Hermione and Ron let out a laugh making you giggle some which you can deny did hurt, "okay but when i get out you owe me tons of kisses mister." you pointed your finger at Harry and made a weird face.

Harry laughed and nodded "tons of kisses just for you darling."

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