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warning: slight smut

You and Harry placed yourself at the desk in the back of the classroom in professor snapes class. You two always dreaded this class mainly because snape always seemed to pick on you two excessively, it got ridiculous after awhile. Snape began teaching and you were already bored and your boyfriend next to you also looked like he was ready to fall asleep just listening to the guy talk, you couldn't blame him though because snape was just so boring yet rude at the same time.

Harry had always told you it was because his father, James Potter, always made fun of snape when they were younger, you just didn't understand why snape took it out on Harry. You assumed it was revenge since he was too afraid to stick up for himself to James and Harry seemed like an easier target, plus he was a professor now so he felt higher and a lot more powerful. None the less though Harry had some how always managed to make snape run off and get detentions for ridiculous reasons.

You were bored out of your mind and decided to spice it up a little. You stuck your hand underneath the desk and slid it up Harrys thigh slowly making his head perk up and look at you with confusion. You smirked and continued until you got to his zipper managing to pull it down without making a bunch of noise, "y/n what do you think you're doing?" harry said in a panicked whisper. You shrugged and slid your hand down his pants brushing against his bulge, "having fun." you responded and laughed quietly when Harry tried to protest but was quick to shut up and force a moan back down his throat.

Harry looked at you with threating eyes "be careful what you wish for." he said calmly and grabbed your wrist, moving it from inside of his pants and back onto the desk. You rolled your eyes and turned to pay attention to whatever snape was talking about but he dismissed the class and glared over at you and Harry. "maybe he heard you loud mouth." you teased Harry and walked out of the classroom and onto your next class, also spending the rest of the day avoiding Harry just to piss him off.

You were successful until you walked passed the room of requirement and was quicky pulled in, the door slamming shut behind you and your back hitting the wall. Your eyes were met with your boyfriends emerald green eyes, "did you seriously think you were gonna tease me in class and get away with it?" he asked and pressed you up against the wall harder, as well as pinning your wrists above your head. "I was just boreddd Harryy!" you protested and squirmed a bit as you felt his free hand play with your waist band.

The raven hair male chuckled and slipped his hand in, "you knew what would happen didn't you? you're just so desperate for my touch that you thought teasing me in class was the best way to go.." a low growl escaped from his throat and he attached his lips quickly to your neck making you gasp. "i-it worked didn't it.." you tilted your head slightly and whined when Harry lifted his head back up "two can play that game.." Harry winked and let you go, walking out of the room of requirement. You huffed and quickly pushed past students to catch up to your boyfriend, "harryyy!" you whined and tugged on his robe.

He didn't answer, he only ignored you and kept walking. You kept tugging on his robe and followed him all the way to the common room, "Harry!" you said loudly. He spun around and grabbed your wrist, "you don't always get what you want princess." his voice once again lingering with the tone of warning, you gasped softly not saying a word. Harry then let go and continued his way into the common room and up to the boys dormitory, you gave up and parted ways going to the girls dormitory setting your things on your bed side table and plopping down on your bed with a slight sigh.

The raven haired boy would always do this, silent treatment, endless amounts of teasing, and if he was nice enough he finally would get around to the deed. It always pissed you off because he would just tease you for days on end and only leave it at that, he never did anything else for the longest time.. sometimes he would just not do it at all.


Everyone scattered off to their common rooms hugging their friends goodnight and racing against the clock. You sat on the couch reading your book listening as every gryffindor made their way back and up to their dorms chattering with eachother. After awhile it got quieter which you had assumed everyone settled down and got into bed so you took this as an advantage to finish some homework and read a few more chapters of your book. It wasn't long though before you heard someone coming down the stairs and behind the couch, "y/n come to bed." a drousey voice spoke with a muffled yawn.

This voice was your boyfriends and you immediately recognized it, "Harry i would love to but this is the only time i get peace and quiet in this school." you joked and opened up your notebook to look over some notes. The coushion beside you sunk a little and you turned to see Harry sitting there with rosey red cheeks and messed up hair, "pleaseeee.." he begged and tried close your book. You just laughed and shook your head "Harry go to sleep, you'll see me tomorrow." your voice was soft yet tired and your eyes started falling closed.

The boy next to you groaned and turned your heads towards him, attaching your lips together tightly for a rough kiss. You slowly wrapped your arms around his neck and deepened the kiss, jumping slightly when you felt his hands put his hands on your waist and pull you into his lap. You giggled slightly against his soft pink lips and broke off the kiss only to trail your lips down to his jawline and neck leaving small love bites here and there. "y/n we have class-" you cut him off by kissing him once again, "everyone will know you belong to me." your voice tone changed to seductive and you felt Harry shift under you.

Harry bit his lip and stood up, you still in his arms. "where ate we going prince charming?" you asked teasingly and watched Harry scrunch his nose, "my dorm.. so we don't make a mess on the couch." he started walking up the stairs and rushing to find the door to his dorm, and when he found it he hurriedly entered and placed you on the bed climbing ontop, throwing his shirt off in the process.


The night ended with heat and the smell of sex lingering the air but you and Harry didn't seem to care or notice. You loved eachother and thats all you two were focused on.

okay so i started writing detailed smut but got wayyy to uncomfortable and had to stop, Plus i'm not experienced with writing smut so it sucked anyway. loll

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