Twenty Four

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battle of hogwarts

May 2nd, 1998, the worst day for students attending Hogwarts. Voldermort and his deatheaters sent a threatening letter telling how he was going to bring down hogwarts and kill Harry Potter along with anyone who stepped in to protect him. They knew he was coming and they couldn't do anything about it, all they could do was fight until their last breath no matter what happened.

Everyone knew that if they walked out alive they would be left with scars and traumatic memories of that day, they knew they could potentially see their friends or significant others drop dead but they just had to accept it. Since the warning came late and voldermort was practically on his way, mcgonagall had absolutely no way of getting the first years back to their parents safely so she assigned a few seventh years to protect and distract them.

Among those seventh years were Y/N diggory, Cho Chang, Lavender Brown, Angelina Johnson, George Weasley, Fred Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Neville Longbottom, Seamus Finnigan, and Dean Thomas. Mcgonagall sent them up to the Gryffindor common room, where she had put all the first years, to distract them and keep them all safe from the deatheaters. All ten of them were nervous and scared for their own lives but they couldn't show that, they didn't want to worry the young children behind them.

Before they knew it, screams erupted from the halls, they heard hogwarts start crashing, footsteps running for safety, it had started.. the war finally started. The seventh years standing in the common room kept a watch everywhere, standing in a circle guarding the students in the middle, with their wands at the ready, hands slightly shaking with fear, flinching at every noise they heard. The first years standing in the middle, looking at the bigger kids surrounding them with their wands up, all huddling together in fear, they didn't know what was going on.

The suddenly, the door to the common room flew open and the deatheaters smirked at the students standing there. Angelina hit one of them with expelliarmus, while seamus hit one with stupefy, y/n caught one and hit them with crucio sending them to the floor. After awhile the deatheaters laid dead at the entrance but now the students were exposed to any deatheaters who wondered the halls looking for Harry Potter.

"hey you.." a small trembling voice tapped on y/ns shoulder trying to get her attention.

y/n turned around and her face softened as the sight of the scared first year, "yes darling?" she kneeled down to their height, placing her hand on their shoulder.

"are we going to be okay?" the small child asked with their lip quivering, and tears begging to fall from their eyes.

y/n began to tear up and nodded with a weak smile, "you'll be just fine darling, all your friends will be okay too." she said reassuringly trying not to cry.

The first year smiled and wiped their eyes with their sleeves, turning back to his friends in the circle. Who now all smiled with pure joy, sure that they would be okay.

y/n stood back up and turned her attention to the entrance once more, her eyes immediately going back down to the dead deatheaters making a tear roll down her cheek. Truth be told.. she didn't actually know if those kids or their friends would be okay but she didn't want to upset the kids any worse than they already were.

Her thought were interrupted when Voldermort and his army came crashing through. All the students gasped and whined in fear, the seventh years not standing down like voldermort asked them to.

"tell me where the boy is and no one will be hurt." he demanded menacingly, staying right where he was.

Cho Chang shook her head "no." her voice stood blunt and calm.

Harry Potter x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now