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It had been a few weeks since the incident with Harry and the breakup with Luna. Harry seemed to be avoiding you or trying to everytime you tried to walk up to him or even just try to ask him a question about something. Luna on the otherhand was having fun with Ginny laughing in the halls and looking at you every once and awhile, "ugh stupid girl.." you muttered to yourself while you entered snapes class.

You sat down at a desk and placed your books down, getting out a textbook, a peice of parchment, and a quill. "first one here weasley.." Snape curled his lip and looked over at you, "yes professor." you responded and wrote your name down on the parchment while waiting for the others. Weirdly enough Harry walked in and sat the farthest desk away from you, Ron walked in and sat with him and Hermione came in and sat next to you, "mione" you leaned in and whispered.

She looked at you "what y/n?" she asked while also taking out her things, "why is Harry avoiding me?" you asked with curiosity. Hermione looked back at Harry and then back at you shrugging, "i can't say, Harry might kill me." she said with a look of worry. "mione please tell me, he keeps avoiding me.." you begged and looked at Hermione with pleading eyes, she sighed and pulled you in close "hes planning on going to the astronomy tower tonight around eight." she whispered as you nodded "thanks." you smiled and looked back at Harry.


You sat in your dorm writing owls for your family who was really worried about your safety, assuring them you were gonna be okay. When you finished writing the last one you checked your watch and gasped "its eight!" you shouted excitedly and jumped up while throwing on a jumper and shoes, running out of the dorm and into the halls. You rushed to find the stairs to the tower hoping you'd catch him on time, "fuck i forgot to ask her where the stairs were." you mentally face palmed and continued to look around.

You finally found the stairs and carefully made your way up searching around for Harrys short but tall figure. When you finally found him you smiled and crept over to him, tapping him on the shoulder making him jump back and take his wand out. You stuck your hands up "woah relax potter, its just me. and trust me i'm not here to hurt you." you said with a slight chuckle making Harry hesitantly put his wand back. "why'd you follow me up here?" he questioned defensively, "i want to know why you ran off that night and have been avoiding me ever since." you stated walking up closer to him.

"why do you want to know?" he questioned defensively once more making you roll your eyes "because potter! its bugging me.. i want to know what you were about to say before you chickend out." your voice was shaky due to the cold air surrounding you and Harry. "if i tell you, i'm afraid you'll run off or laugh in my face.." he shrugged and looked down at the pavement, "well i won't so please just tell me.." you noticed you placed your hand on his shoulders which seemed to make him relax a little bit.

Harry was silent for a moment not saying a word all you could hear were eachothers breathing. "Harry" you began to say but were cut off by him shushing you, "tell me!" you demanded, tired of him avoiding you and leaving you to constantly worry about it. "I love you y/n!" he suddenly shouted out, his cheeks going a pink color and his eyes widening realizing what he had just said. Your breathing hitched in disbelief, Harry potter.. loves you? the girl he hated for so long? Your thoughts overcame you and you pulled Harry close, connecting your lips.

He tensed up but relaxed immediately getting lost in the kiss, also holding you close. When you pulled away for oxygen Harry smiled at you, refusing to let go of your waist, "i think i can say.. i love you too." you said sheepishly with a giggle. Harry pulled you in for another kiss but this time it was slow and passionate, you felt warm and safe and this finally felt right.

Harry Potter x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now