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okay so short au about mental health. Mines been really shitty lately so i decided to turn it into a short story <33

Getting up this morning felt like a challenge for y/n, harder than it was the day before or the day before that. She didn't want to move she didn't feel like getting dressed for class, makeup didn't seem as important to her as it usually does, homework was half finished and she knew she needed to do it but there was no motivation there.

So much charms and potions she needed to study and review but again, there was no motivation or no urge to want to do it. Even if she wanted to she didn't think she could, she couldn't even get herself to sit up in bed. It wasn't just the zero motivation it was also the sleepless nights and the sudden clouds of sadness that would sometimes last forever, making hanging out with her boyfriend or friends feel like a chore.

She felt terrible but no matter how much guilt she felt she always said no or made up some dumb excuse just so she could go back to her dorm and sleep. y/n had also started feeling more anxious and overwhelmed than shes felt before, overthinking every little thing, having random anxiety attacks because she didn't finish her school work, worried about everything.

Today felt like the worst its been for her and she knew she needed to talk to someone but she was too afraid to ask. What if she was a burden or if they told her no, she would feel stupid then.. Harry had noticed all of this sudden change in his girlfriend but didn't want to bother her with questions so instead he just kept a close eye on her. That was until he walked into her dorm and found her in bed still not even close to being ready.

"y/n?" he whispered softly seeing movement from her, "y/n!" he said again but this time louder and getting more movement. Harry took a deep breath "y/n!" he shouted causing her to turn around quickly to face him, "hi harry." she greeted with a weak smile. Harry waved and sat on the other side of her bed "why aren't you dressed and ready for class?" he asked worrying a bit knowing it had something to do with the sudden change in attitude lately.

The girl behind him shrugged and pushed herself up using her elbows as balance, "just don't feel like it lately." she said with honesty and a slight sigh of embarrassment. Harry pursed his lips and stood up "do you want to talk about it..?" he asked fiddling with his fingers noticing the way y/n's face lit up as soon as he asked, she felt happy that someone had asked but she also felt happy because someone noticed she wasn't doing so well.

She nodded slowly and Harry sat down on the bed again but this time next to her, slowly pulling her closer to him. y/n took a deep breath and began spilling her feelings out which she had never done to anyone.

"lately i've been feeling unmotivated, anxious, sad.. i've been struggling to get work done and i know if i don't i'll fail. I've tried asking for help but i always second guess myself and just end up staying quiet because i don't want to feel stupid."

"its been hard trying to get out of bed everyday and get ready, some days i don't even wanna shower or brush my teeth. I also can't sleep at night but feel so unenergized during the day making it hard to accomplish anything."

"hanging out with friends or even you feels like a chore and makes me feel a lot more anxious but no matter how hard i try, making up excuses seems easier than telling the truth."

The now crying girl looked up at Harry and began to cry more "some days are just so much harder than others and i can't find help." she sobbed out and rested her cheek on his chest. Harrys heart ached for his girlfriend he felt helpless but he needed to help her in some way, she was in bad need of help but she was too shy to ever say anything and Harry knew this.

Harry pushed her away slightly and lifted her head up to look at him, he placed a small kiss on her lips before speaking. " i'll help you find help y/n. i can talk to lupin or mcgonagall.. they'll help." he smiled softly but frowned when y/n shook her head no. She trembled and looked back up at Harry "harry don't you see? i'm a burden. I'm bothering you with this and i shouldn't be!" she struggled to catch her breath.

"this isn't your problem to deal with, this isn't lupins or mcgonagalls, this is mine! i need to deal with this myself." she cried out making Harrys heart break even more. The raven haired boy shushed her frantically and held her tighter, "baby no one thinks you're a burden. i'm glad you're telling me this and so will lupin or mcgonagall." he reassured her in the warmest way possible.

Y/N hesitantly agreed with him "fine.." her soft spoken voice said making Harry smile a tiny bit. After seeing Harry smile, y/n herself smiled a little bit too. Harry hugged her and kissed the top of her head lightly

"never be afraid to ask for help when you need it."

Harry Potter x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now