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You and Harry hated eachother, absolutely hated eachother. Ever since you pulled that really mean prank on him in third year hes depised you ever since. You had tried telling him your brother Ron put him up to it but he wouldn't believe you, nor would he forgive you no matter how many times you said sorry. The both of you were now in your 5th year, 15, with girlfriends, still never the less torturing eachother in the halls or in class, neither one of you would give up until the other did.

Your girlfriend Luna had tried to get you and Harry alone in a room to apologize but you almost killed eachother, literally. Ginny had tried again this time with both her and Luna in the room but once again, you and Harry had almost quite literally kill eachother. Both girls were getting tired over the silly little feud that started over an innocent prank, they didn't see why Harry had such a problem with it even after he explained why a million times.

It wasn't until you were the first person to stand up and sign a peice of parchment labled, "dumbledores army" at the top that Harry started liking you a bit. Really he had no choice but to be friendly to you because it wasn't until you sighed the parchment that everyone else did too. Harry had always kept a close eye on you though, worried you would rat everyone out to Umbridge, he would always watch you or follow you just to see where you were going. It got a little odd and annoying but you let it go on for weeks until Cho Chang had been the one to rat everyone out, then you laughed in his face and ran off.

After the whole situation with umbrige cooled off you couldn't help but take notice that Ginny and Harry seemed to be a lot more distant. You never saw Ginny and Harry sucking eachothers faces in the library, they were never together in the halls or during lunch. It wasn't even a week before Luna herself started acting weird around you, always getting pissed off at the smallest things, whenever you kissed her she just seemed bored, she also stopped sitting at the gryffindor table and when she did it was always with Neville.

You tried to avoid asking her questions about it so it wouldn't stir up an argument but after 2 weeks of the nonsense you decided you had enough of it. You walked to her dorm and knocked on the door lightly "come in." she said politely and smiled when she noticed it was you walking in. "luna we need to talk." you said getting straight to the point and sat down next to her, "why have you been acting so weird around me lately?" you immediately blurted out, making Luna frown a lot more so than you had even seen.

"well for starters y/n, this feud with Harry is really starting to get on my nerves. Also.." her voice sounded shakey and her hands twitched a little bit, "i just don't think i have feelings for you anymore.." she admitted strongly looking down at her lap. The words hit you like a train.. your heart broke into a million peices, and your eyes stung with tears begging to fall out, "w-what?" you said looking up at her sadly "why all of a sudden?" you asked again and forced back the tears. All Luna did was shrug and bite her lip, she didn't say anything, there was so response, no one had any answers, the room was just.. silent but it seemed so loud.

"Luna answer me..!" you begged but still nothing, no words not even emotions, she just stood up and headed for the door glancing at you one more time. "goodbye y/n." were the last words out of her mouth before she slipped away out of the door and her footsteps echoed down the steps as she made her way to the exit. You were left in a dim lit room wondering where you had gone wrong and why Luna felt like this out of the blue, anger, sadness, confusion, and fusturation hit you all at once but silently.

You took a big deep breath and ran out of the Ravenclaw common room and down the stairs not knowing where you were going, you just wanted out. You wanted to scream and punch a wall, but you also wanted to cry in the corner crouched down, No explanation, no answer, nothing! just a goodbye. You had finally found yourself standing in the Hogwarts courtyard alone and empty, thankful you didn't make your way to the potions classrom. You sat down on a bench and began crying, all the tears spilled out at once and you couldn't stop even if you tried, "why luna.." you questioned quietly hearing a slight break in your voice.

Suddenly after a few moments you heard footsteps approach you from behind but when you turned around to check no one was there. When you turned back around though you noticed a pale figure sitting next to you on the bench making you jump and scream a tiny bit, "who the bloody hell are you!?" you shouted out as you stood up. "oh don't act like you don't recognize me y/n." the figure said sounding cocky and ignorant. "well excuse me but its dark out here!" you responded back and rolling your eyes sitting back down on the bench realizing it was Harry, "oh my god potter." you took a breath of relief and sunk your head into your hands feeling stupid.

"what are you doing out here weasley?" he asked and sounded like he was worried, which felt odd because Harry Potter.. hated you? "why do you wanna know?" you suddenly shot back without thinking, "well i heard you crying? can't i be worried?" his voice was calm and subtle sounding sincere. You sighed and lifted your head up to look at him, "luna broke up with me because apparently she doesn't feel the same.." you admitted to him and began to cry some more, "out of the blue" you added. Harry wrapped his arms around you and brought you closer to his side not saying anything, you hesitated to wrap your arms around his waist at first but you eventually did it and felt at peace.

It felt like every problem in the world disappeared and you felt warm and safe. "thats because Ginny dared her to ask you out." Harry said rubbing your back and kissing the top of your head, "Ginny didn't actually expect you to say yes." he admitted sounding very disappointed. "hence why me and Ginny broke up.. after i found that out i just couldn't bare to be with her.." he added after a long pause and just kept stroking your hair. "but you hate me Harry, you should've laughed but-" he cut you off "but i didn't because-" he paused once more this time sounding unsure if he wanted to continue or not.

"because why?.." you asked sitting up, untangling your arms from around his waist. "n-nothing.." he said standing up and backing away, "uhh.. see you!" he shouted as he ran off once again leaving you standing alone and looking absolutely ridiculous.

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