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Two weeks..

Two horrible weeks of being locked in a dungeon at the Malfoy Manor, tortured for information that she refused to give up, threatned by death a couple hundred times, it was all just.. too.. much.. You had wondered why Harry or Hermione or Ron hadn't come to save you like promised.

You wanted out and you knew if you tried to do it alone you'd end up dead and you didn't want that. You had lost hope on the "golden trio" two weeks had past and still no sign. Everyday was the same, guards would come down and drag you upstairs and you were met by bellatrix, lucius, cissy, Draco, and Voldy. Each of them took turns hitting you with horrible curses, bellatrix carving words everywhere.

Voldermort yelled in your face and demanded the information on Harrys whereabouts and plans but you kept on refusing to give it up. Leaving your body covered in cuts and bruises, you were so sore and getting exhausted, the same thing everyday was so tiring. Why won't they just let you go? they're not getting anything out of you anytime soon so why didn't they just give up on you?

You woke up today at the sound of the dungeon gates opening and heavy footsteps headed your way, before you had anytime to process what was happening they roughly grabbed your arms and dragged you upstairs. Today was different though.. instead of bellatrix waiting at the top it was just Narcissa but she looked like she wanted forgiveness and reeked of sorrow.

Her wand was put away and she walked slowly towards you with a little creature popping out behind her. She leaned down to whisper in your ear causing you to flinch a little but slowly relax as you realized what she was doing, "i'm sorry." she whispered before backing away and looking at the elf who nodded, almost as if they were communicating without words.

The elf reached for your hand and before you knew it you were apparated to the campsite of Ron, Harry, and Hermione. As you looked around you immediately noticed the location and snapped around looking at the tent, you nerves relaxed and you ran to the tent immediately almost throwing yourself inside. All three of them were sat at the table not really noticing you come in, they seemed to be discussing horcruxes and how they needed to destroy them all and where to find them.

You frowned instantly, they weren't discussing how to save you, they didn't even seem like they were trying or even in a hurry. Your cold and injured figure stood by the entrance by the tent trembling from the constant torture, and shivering from the cold. You forced yourself to finally speak up which seemed a lot better than standing in silence, "h-hey guys.." you said weakly while you watched their heads all turn to the sound of your voice.

Their faces lit up and they all stood up with a welcoming tone, you smiled weakly and limped your way over to the three of them but collapsing before you could make it to Harrys arms. Harry was quick to catch you before you hit the floor "whoa love" he chuckled "get some rest" he said with a small grunt as he lifted you up onto his bed. Ron and Hermione walked behind him giving you awkward smiles "how'd you get out y/n?" Ron breathed, rubbing the back of his neck watching Harry and Hermione nod in agreement with his question.

You took a deep breath and adjusted yourself to get comfortable, "Narcissa let me out, an elf apparated me here." your voice was nonchalant and calm, focusing on the pain more. Harry furrowed his eye brows and scanned your body looking at every sort of injury you had, "we would've come sooner but if we would've stepped foot in the manor, no matter what curse we used. it would've been game over." Harry admitted also scratching the back of his neck.

You nodded slowly "i get that." you said with a smile, your voice sounding plain and hurt. All three of them knelt down by your bedside to get on your level, "really y/n, we wanted to save you especially Harry but we knew we couldn't." Ron exclaimed sounding extremely sincere but you just nodded again, "i wouldn't want you guys to get hurt, especially Harry. i had it figured out and i'm okay now, i'm right here." your voice once again sounding hurt but reassuring.

Harry rolled his eyes "stop acting like you're okay. theres bruises, cuts, scratches, red marks, and burns layering your body." he snapped causing everyone to go silent. "i-its not that bad, plus after two weeks you kinda go numb." you weakly smiled and sat up slowly making Harry sigh "you're hurt because we didn't come and rescue you like prince charming." he said blantly making Hermione and Ron gasp a bit.

You shook your head "Harry thats not true at all, i didn't expect it, i never asked for it, i truly do not care that you didn't." your voice got louder. You scoffed and looked at the three of them "this isn't a disney princess movie, this is no time for prince charming rescues or cute kisses after they're saved. Time is critical and running out and we have more important stuff to do than worry about me or what i'm mad about." you ended the statement with a huff, standing up and walking over to the table where they were first sitting.

Ron walked behind you and placed a hand on your shoulder turning you around, making you wince from the pain a bit. "if you think you're going to help us with this, you're wrong." he scolded with a sharp glare, "you can't even go sit outside by yourself without getting kidnapped by snatchers, almost giving us away. and you probably gave up some information to voldermort while you were there." he said with a nasty tone making Hermione try to shut him up.

Your eyes threatned tears "i didn't give up any information. hence why my body looks like shit and i feel so exhausted." you exclaimed but all Ron did was shake his head and cross his arms. You threw your arms up in complete disbelief, "Ronald i was there for two weeks! those two weeks consisted of nothing but endless tourture. I was scratched, cut, hit, kicked, hit with curses and screamed at, them demanding i gave them information on Harrys whereabouts." your voice cracked and tears began rolling down your cheeks.

Ron had backed up a bit and looked down at the floor, "god if it wasn't for narcissa i'd still be going through it. they planned on keeping me there until i was dead, joined the deatheaters, or gave up everything i knew." you took a big deep breath, "so yeah i am going to help." you said with slight attitude and turning yourself back around to face the millions of papers and books laid across the table.

Harry and Hermione on the otherhand stared at you looking sad and worried and Ron stared at the ground in guilt. You weren't focused on them or yourself at that moment you just wanted to help destroy these horcruxes, and hopefully make him weaker for Harry to defeat him. Short time after that you noticed Harry and Hermione stood beside you also scanning the papers, you suddenly pointed at a news paper headline and a light bulb went off in your head.

"guys thats it! we need to go to godricks hollow!" you shouted happily.

"we'll leave in the morning, we all need rest, especially you y/n." Harry said looking you.

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