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texting au cuz why not

harry💗: i'm boreddd.. can you come over?

you: I would love to Harry but its 8:30 in the morning, plus i have to study.

harry💗: can you just study later? i'm really bored!!

you: then entertain yourself, i have things to do today love.

harry💗: you're cheating aren't you.

you: Harry what?

harry💗: you don't love me anymore

you: harry that's ridiculous. of course i still love you.

harry💗: if you still loved me you'd be in my bed, wrapped in my arms. but you're not so hmph..

you: I think studying is a lot more important, besides you have Ron and Hermione to hangout with.

harry💗: I don't want to hangout with them. i want to hangout with you!

you: goodbye Harry. I love you.

harry💗: can't i just come over thereeeeee!!??
read 9:05am

harry💗: y/nnnnn answer meeeeeeee
read 9:06am

harry💗: fine ginny will cuddle with me. bye i guess.

you: oh my gosh harry! i'm on my way 😒

harry💗: doors unlocked ;)

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