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"hello love.." George Weasley greeted and sat down behind you with a smile. Harry, your boyfriend, shot him a sharp glare and in return you pinched him, making him turn around to look at you.

"stop.. don't be rude Harry." you warned and looked up at the chalkboard one more time to copy the last set of notes down. You heard Harry sigh and George giggle, they had both been after eachother although it was more so Harry after George at times.

George Weasley was the biggest flirt there was in school and if you had someone he liked, he planned on getting it without giving up. This became a problem when you and Harry got together in 4th year, George would flirt and be all touchy with you.

Often times causing the arguments between you and Harry, one because you thought George was only messing with you, and Two because Harry thought the opposite and it only made him more angry and jealous that you wouldn't tell George to back off or to stop.

When you learned you'd have class with both George and Harry you knew everyday would only get tenser. Everytime that George had came to class he either tried to sit beside you or behind you, constantly whispering things to you or passing notes.

Harry would try and beat him to class and one time even had other Gryffindor's take up all the seats closest to you. It was like an ongoing battle between two toddlers and you were the toy in the middle of it. Not only was it tiring but it was also extremely fusturating.


The day was over and all your work was done so you headed down to the common room to sit with Harry. You slowly came down the steps and entered the room quietly, quickly making your way over to Harry seeing that George was sat in the corner reading or something.

You sat next to him and cuddled to his side immediately, smiling as he instinctively wrapped an arm around you and held you tightly. He was in the middle of a conversation with Hermione about something in potions class which he always had trouble in and so did you, a lot of times you'd secretly listen to the two to see if it would help you any.

While you listened you felt an unfamiliar being standing behind the couch and staring down at you and Harry. You rolled your eyes and sat up making Harry give you a confused look until he also noticed this person behind you both.

He stood up slowly with his hands balled into fists "what do you want George?" he asked grinding his teeth. George smirked and looked at you then back at Harry "i want what you have but you refuse to give it up." he said making Harry clench his fists tighter.

You stood up off of the couch and crossed your arms "i don't want you George!" you shouted suddenly angrily as you didn't want the two boys to argue more. Georges smirk slowly faded and his chuckle  got quieter "i'll be your friend but i don't want you as a boyfriend. Harrys the person i'm in love with." you explained watching Georges eyes flicker to the floor.

Harry smirked and snaked an arm around you pulling you to his side, you placing your hands on his chest in return. George nodded in return still looking at the ground "okay okay.." he said quietly making you sigh in relief. He looked at the both of you and gave a crooked smile "i'll leave you two be." he said walking out of the common room.

Harry laughed and you slapped his shoulder playfully "don't be rude potter.." you warned again this time in a scarier tone. Harry looked at you "alright alright fine." he took a big deep breath noticing Hermione had left at some point.

Noticing that, he turned his head to look at you and smirked, "i think its time i show everyone who you belong to." he murmured and ran a finger on your jawline. You shivered and wrapped your arms around the back of his neck smiling, nodding "yeah i think you do too." you were eager and your voice showed it.

Your boyfriend picked you up and rushed to his dorm making you squeal and laugh, "Harold be careful before we fall down the steps.." you said between breaths.

Lets just say the two of you had a loud night and one if you couldn't walk in the morning, obviously it was you.

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