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pls people on tiktok make me overthink my writing.

"fuck you potter."

Harry stood there in disbelief after a 3o minute argument had just ended much like your guys relationship. You wouldn't dare to let Harry have the last word so you ran out of his dorm before any words could leave his mouth. Harry on the other hand sat on the edge of his bed and slumped down, placing his head in his hands and tears begging to fall from his eyes.

"i wish i never met you!"

Repeated in his mind non stop, he had said those words to the love of his life and now there was no taking it back. His eyes stung and his heart felt as if it were being crushed by a shoe "stupid.. stupid! boy.." he murmured and hit himself in his head many times until it had started to hurt. Ron had walked in on him crying and Harry didn't seem to notice until he had finally spoken up, "mate whats wrong?" he asked walking over to Harry.

"did snape fail you again? dumbledore pissed off at you?" Ron chuckled but still didn't get a response from his bestfriend. Thats when he knew something was up and started taking it seriously "Harry seriously whats wrong?" he asked again but in more of a panic. Harry lifted his head and Ron gasped at his swollen red eyes "i told y/n i wish i had never met her.." he choked out placing his head back into his hands.

Rons jaw dropped and he couldn't believe it "you said that to y/n?!" he said in more of a shock and Harry nodded sadly. Ron went silent and just stared at Harry "miones not going to forgive you for this one.." Ron joked trying to lighten up the mood but it didn't seem to help. "will you please tell the both of them that i'm very sorry and that i want to meet y/n at the astronomy tower..?" Harry asked earning a smile from Ron, "of course mate." he responded tapping his knee and standing up.

Ron waved goodbye and walked out leaving Harry in the dorm all by himself to cry once more this time even harder and louder. Meanwhile Hermione and y/n sat in the great hall while y/n talked her heart out and also crying a little bit. "so the argument started all because you talked to draco..?" Hermione asked just to make sure she heard things right "yeah all because i talked to Draco. Can you believe he accused me of cheating on him!?" y/n shouted and made a weird face.

"i mean out of all people i would never fuck Draco Malfoy.." she added with gagging after she finished her sentence. Hermione rolled her eyed and nodded in agreement with you "nobody wants to fuck Malfoy except for.." she paused and looked over at Pansy in disgust, "parkinson.." she muttered. y/n giggled and fixed her eyes on Ron who was walking towards the two of them, "hey weasley!" you greeted with a smile. Ron smiled and handed you a peice of paper "Harry told me to tell you something but i wasn't going to remeber it by the time i got here so-" he stuffed his mouth with a peice of chicken.

"i wrote it down." he added with a mouthful of food earning a disgusted look from Hermione. Ron looked at her offended "you act like you've never eaten with your mouth full!" he attacked but Hermione scoffed and glared at him like he was a dumbass. "because i haven't! i'm not an idiot like you." she shouted back and tried to focus on the peice of paper y/n was reading but couldn't as Ron kept arguing with her.

"i am not an idiot! you're an idiot!" the tone in his voice told y/n he was obviously offended by Hermiones rude comment. "if you're going to fight like a newly wed couple take it elsewhere, i can't concentrate with you two bickering." y/n hissed and looked at the now flustered pair. Hermione quickly glared at Ron and he threw his hands up while backing away looking terrified of mione, "i don't know what it is with him and always being terrified of you. he acts like you'd kill him.." the girl seated at the bench snorted also earning a glare from Hermione.

Y/N just shook her head and looked back down at the note which read not so very specific instructions..

"harry astronomy tower, sorry."

y/ns face looked puzzled and handed it to her friend next to her "i can't understand what this means." she said honestly hoping Hermione had an answer. Hermione sighed and looked at the note "Harrys sorry and he wants to meet you at the astronomy tower." she was quick with the translation of Rons jumbled words. Y/N stared at her in wow but was quickly snapped out of it when Hermione waved the paper infront of her face "i'm going to meet Ginny in the courtyard, shes also having boy trouble." Hermione said climbing off of the bench and heading off towards the doors of the great hall.

y/n waved goodbye and crumbled up the note placing it into her coat pocket. Since it was a quiet saturday and she needed to waste time she headed off towards the library to finish a few essays snape had assigned. She didn't get very far though because Angelina and Fred couldn't stop swapping spit in a isle behind her, "bloody hell.." she muttered and closed up her books slamming them quite loudly.


Y/N had decided during dinner that she wasn't going to meet Harry, infact she would rather keep her distance because she was afraid she might slap him if she saw his face again. His words angered her so much but at the same time made her want to cry her eyes out.. how could someone she loved very dearly say that to her? of course he said he was sorry but an apology wasn't good enough and neither was having a talk on the astronomy tower.

Harry stood at the astronomy tower waiting for her silently hoping a little bit of her would forgive him for what he said. I mean of course she knows he didn't mean it.. she meant everything to him and meeting her was probably what gave him the strength to keep fighting. After an hour went by she still hadn't showed up and Harry lost the little bit of hope he had in him, "dammit.." he muttered and wiped the tears falling from his face with his sleeve.

"dammit!" he said again but this time a little louder and the tears falling at a fast pace than they were before. He made his way to the steps and slowly trudged down them still forcing the tears back not allowing himself to cry. He looked around to make sure no one was around, no students, no professors, no one, but as he turned around to continue walkinh he ran into y/n. "sorry!" she apologized quickly but froze when she had realized who she ran into losing the smile that was plastered on her face.

Harry was about to push through her until he had also realized who ran into him, tighting the grip he had on her arm. "harry.." her quiet voice spoke out wrapping her arms around him, the boy hesitantly hugged back but when he did, he held her tight and cried into her shoulder. "y/n please listen to me.." he begged as he still sobbed into her shoulder, the girl didn't say anything all she did was nod and pull him closer. Harry tried to contain his crying the best he could so he could get words out clearly without choking on tears or spit, "you have to know i didn't mean what i said!" he cried out taking another breath.

"y/n you mean the world to me.. meeting you is the reason i'm still here right now." he admitted and buried his head into the crook of her neck. Y/N was teary eyed and let a few tears drip onto his shirt before she built up the courage to speak, "if you didn't mean it.. why'd it even come out of your mouth anyway?" she questioned choking back a sob herself. Harry pulled away from the hug and looked at her giving a crooked smile "i don't know y/n.. i was stressed out and angry.." he shrugged "i also don't know why i accused you of cheating on me with Malfoy." he said kind of quietly.

Y/N finally broke down into tears and collapsed into harry "nevermind that.." she hummed and lifted her head to look at Harry who was equally just as upset as she was. "i don't want to lose you Potter.. you truly make me happy." she tried to smile the best she could but Harry wiped her cheek with his thumb, "you won't princess, i'll be here. We have eachother." he sniffled once more and connected their lips together.

"see you in the bedroom potter.."

"oh you tease"

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