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You were at your last class of the day which was potions, you had already had a bad day and being in professor snapes class made it worse. Snape and you were known for having the worst arguments with eachother almost daily, which always ended with you in detention. Since today was already a shitty day for you between Draco and Pansy non stop bugging you, you weren't in the mood for arguing or a detention.

Snape had entirely different plans though and decided to bring up your failing grade to the whole class. "miss lupin, it has been brought to my attention that you are failing my class." he said sharply looking up at you. You put down your quill and looked up from the parchment on which you were doodling on, "can we talk about this privately?" you asked eyeing everyone staring at you. "why not now? you're the only one that is failing and frankly.." he paused and curled his lip, "it would be a waste of my time to talk to you privately." he spat out.

You heard a few chuckles and giggles come from the front of the class making your breathing quicken. "well talking about it now infront of everyone is unnecessary.." you said trying to keep calm and keep yourself from crying out of embarrassment, Snape glared at you and dismissed the class trying to keep you there but you grabbed your things and ran out, pushing past everyone else. Harry Potter, your crush since 3rd year, had taken notice and decided to run after you to make sure you were okay.

"y/n!" he shouted but you paid no attention even though you could hear him loud and clear. "y/n!" he shouted once more sounding as if he was getting closer, causing you to speed up but it was no use because soon the raven was infront of you and took a hold of your wrist. This action caused you to blush noticeably but the thought of being made fun of by the smartest person in your class overwhelmed you, making you pull away. "please leave me be Harry.." you warned with a shakey voice but he didn't walk off, instead he stayed right there close to you, "y/n whats a matter?" he asked with concern.

Everything went blurry, and every sentence that came out of Harrys mouth sounded muffled, you felt yourself getting dizzy and your chest get heavy as if someone was stepping on it. You dropped your books and looked at your now very shakey hands, "h....h..." you couldn't make out any words, "y/n?" you heard harry call before you crashed to the ground, everything going pitch black.


Your eyes fluttered open and you could see a blurry hand resting on too of your arm, looking like it was caressing it. When your vision became clearer you noticed the room you were in was the gryffindor dormitory, and the hand caressing your arm was none other than Harry Potters..

Harry Potter had you in his arms.

"ah there she is!" you heard his voice raise with excitement and joy, "what happened?" you asked him shifting to a more comfortable position in between his legs. "you passed out an hour ago after professor snapes class." he explained to you, removing his hand from your arm. The loss of this caused you to accidentally whine loudly, making your face heat up hoping he didn't hear it, "what was that noise?" Harry asked sounding as if he was a little nervous.

You tried to play it off and shrug, "maybe crookshanks got in here somehow.." you lied terribly making Harry laugh. "you suck at lying. i know that whining noise was you y/n." he didn't sound bothered by it but he did seem a lot more nervous than you felt. "i think someone likes being in my arms." he added to his sentence making your cheeks heat up more

"merlins sake harry i've liked you since 3rd year.. of course i like being in your arms." you blurted out causing the both of you to go completely silent.

It was a long pause of silence, no one said a word, partially because you were embarrassed and scared, and Harry was just shocked. "did you just admit to liking me?" he finally said, trailing his hand down to your hand and intertwining your guys fingers. "y-yeah i did potter.." you admitted once more squeezinh his hand for some type of reassurance.

Harry squeezed back and brought your hand up to kiss the back of it lightly, "i've liked you since 1st year.. tried to tell you but you never listened. you always seemed so into Neville." Harry said sounding a bit sad. You huffed and rolled your eyes "everyone thinks we like eachother. We never did, we've just known eachother for quite sometime." you said hoping to clear up any tension. The older male nodded and kissed the back of your hand again, still holding onto it tightly "i'm sorry about professor snape.. hes a real douche." Harry chuckled.

You scoffed and shook your head "its fine.. he just gave malfoy and parkinson new reasons to bug me." you said with a sigh, shrugging afterwards. Harry swung his other arm around you "as long as i'm there, i won't let them. I also won't let snape bother you in class." he whispered and kissed the top of your head.

"so we're official?"

"yeah. we're offical, you're mine and mine only." Harry said sounding slightly overprotective but you didn't mind.

Harry Potter x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now