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You entered the Gryffindor common room and saw Harry on the couch reading a book. The past few weeks he had been pushing you away chasing after Malfoy because he felt Malfoy was trying to kill him. Although he probably wasn't wrong it still got fusturating, anytime you wanted to spend time with him you were just pushed to the side for something that barely mattered. Seeing him on the couch and reading a book possibly meant that he was free and done with whatever he was trying to figure out, you walked your way over there and sat next to him but before you could speak he closed the book. "y/n please, i need some peace and quiet. This is very important i've got to concentrate." he said very flatly with almost no emotion.

You rolled your eyes and got up making your way up the steps and into your dorm room, when you got up there you sat on your bed and sighed. "what could possibly be so important, thats all hes been doing these last few weeks." you whispered to yourself and crossed your arms. You decided that you have had enough and that if he wasn't going to treat you like his girlfriend then what was the use of being together? You stood up and took a deep breath as you marched down the stairs in fusturation, when you reached the bottom you bit your lip and began speaking. "Harry if you can't treat me like your girlfriend then.." you stuttered and your eyes began to well up with tears, "well w-were done!" you blurted out.

A small gasp came from the raven haired boy and then he stood up and turned to look at you. "y/n you can't possibly be serious-" he laughed nervously and walked a little closer to you, "why can't i? all you've been doing since we got here is chase Draco around, and now i don't even know what you're doing but its driving me mad!" you backed up the steps as Harry inched closer and closer to you. "if you would understand why-" he tried speaking but the anger inside of you caused you to cut him off "for merlins sake Harry! hes not trying to kill you! hes trying to throw off your path thats all!" you shouted and tears came streaming down your cheeks at a fast pace. Harry looked absolutely astonished and terrified at the same time scared he was going to lose you over something so silly, "i'm trying to help you by giving you space so i-" a pair of lips cut you off and your back crashed into the wall.

You instantly relaxed and smiled, "you're not breaking up with me y/n. you're just mad about the fact that i'm giving books and Malfoy more attention than you.." he teased and kissed you once more. You nodded and wrapped your arms around his neck "maybe i am potter, we'll never know." you giggled and squealed as Harry picked you up and ran up the stairs. The door to the dorm slammed open and Harry sat you down on the bed, before he could do anything though you grabbed his tie and pulled him in for a rough kiss not letting him pull away. "you don't get to touch me tonight." you winked at him and stood up running out of the room, watching the raven hair boy run after you as fast as he could.
if you do nothing but complain about how writers write shit please get off of my account. we waste so much energy for yall. idc ab ur opinions

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