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"Mommy read me another story!" a toddler voice said excitedly handing you another bedtime book. You yawned and shook your head "sorry lily but Mommys already read two, its getting late." you stated firmly only getting a cry in response. "I want another bedtime story!" Lily said with a pout basically throwing the book back at you, "lily luna!" you shouted but she only giggled.

It was tiresome to have three kids who never listened and just when two of them did the third one was always the odd ball. You always had to deal with kids at bedtime alone by yourself since Harry was still at work which made it a lot more exhausting, no punishment or screaming was ever good enough. You barely got any sleep and your throat throbbed every night from screaming so much making sleeping a lot more uncomfortable.

"Mommy read it!" your youngest cried out pinching your arm, you flinched and hissed in return "thats it i've had it!" you said throwing the book down and walking out of her room, shutting the light off and slamming the door behind you. Lily screamed and cried but you couldn't deal with it anymore, you were so stressed out and overwhelmed it had consumed your body more than ever.

You sat outside the door with your head in your hands, sobbing from all the stress and anxiety you were dealing with. Lily's crying wasn't helping any making it a lot harder for you to control your loud sobs, what you didn't know is that Harry had walked in from worked and heard the faint crying assuming at first two of the kids were crying. When he walked around the corner he saw you and his heart broke into peices, he felt so bad for leaving you to deal with this mess on your own.. he couldn't help but feel guilty.

He knelt down beside you and took you into his embrace making you cry a lot harder and louder almost drowing out Lilys. He let you cry for a few more minutes before realizing you had actually stopped and was just sniffling now, he pulled away and looked at you still heart broken at the sight of how upset you looked. "whats going on love?" he asked softly as he wiped a few tears from your cheeks, "i was trying to get lily to bed but she kept shouting at me that she wanted another bedtime story after i had just read two.." you choked back another sob.

"she threw the book at me and then pinched me. I stormed out.. i'm so overwhelmed and exhausted Harry.." you started crying more as you explained to him the situation. Harry hugged you once more and kissed the top of your head, "i'll take a few weeks off of work and help you out around here.. especially with the kids." he said in a whisper, you gasped and shook your head "they need you there more than i do here.." you pleaded but Harry chuckled.

"i promise they'll understand." he reassured in a calming tone. By this time Lily was still screaming and crying so Harry stood up and entered her room, with you not far behind him. "lily luna potter! you get in that bed right now and go to sleep. you'll get another bedtime story tomorrow night!" Harry shouted firmly making Lily stop crying and climb under her covers. Harry kissed the top of her head "goodnight darling." he whispered and turned around to walk out of her room.

You were leaning on the door frame watching it adoration as your husband took care of Lily. "bedtime for you too missy." he teased and picked you up bridal style, closing lilys door and heading towards the bedroom you two shared. You crossed your arms "only if you stay in here with me." you said and wrapped your arms around his neck as he placed you down, "love i gotta shower.." he said laughing and kissing your nose.

You scrunched your nose and shook your head "shower tomorrow morning, i'm tired and want some cuddles." you pouted your bottom lip making Harry roll his eyes and climb in bed next to you. "fine princess potter." he said snickering afterwards and wrapping his arms around your waist, you playfully hit his shoulder and acted as if you were offended. In response your husband acted dramatically acting like you punched him super hard "oh my goodness.." he panted and placed his hand on his forehead.

You rolled your eyes and kissed him softly.

"goodnight Harry."

"goodnight darling."

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