Twenty Eight

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idea was given to me by: @6thirtyyy

"Hey potter! how are they still letting you get away with Cedrics murder?" a 5th year snickered as he walked past you and Harry.

A group of girls laughed and stepped infront of the both of you, "Voldys back voldys back!" they mimicked in a high pitched voice, pushing past the two of you roughly.

Harrys eyes sunk to the floor with a low sigh followed after, "don't let it get to you.." you said softly trying your best to console him. Harry just shrugged and gave you a weak half smile in return.

You wrapped an arm around his shoulders and pulled him close but no sooner were you two interrupted by Malfoy. "you're only a big liar, aren't you Potter?" his lips curved into a smug smile, a small chuckle escaping his throat.

"why don't you just piss off Draco." you said angrily, gritting your teeth and balling your fists. Harry must've noticed because his hand was soon folding over your hand tightly, Draco smirked at you "what are you going to do about it?"

You squeezed your fists even harder, causing your nails to dig into your palms. "fuck off or you'll see what happens!" you shouted loudly, getting in Dracos face. The blond slytherin stood still and laughed, "months worths of detention if you do anything to me mudbloo—" Draco was cut off by a fist to his face.

The students surrounding the two of you in the hallway gasped, "insult me or my boyfriend again and so help me god next time it won't be just a punch." you hissed and stood up straight. Draco whimpered and rolled around before he finally got up and ran off towards the potions room.

When you turned to look at Harry he was standing in complete shock, "oh my merlin.." he mumbled and shook his head, laughing. You giggled but shook your hand to try and get the pain to disappear a tiny bit, "lets go to the bathroom." Harry said and headed in that direction. You followed after him and sat down on the sink infront of him, he grabbed some bandage and tape, walking over to you and resting in between your legs.

"give me your hand." he demanded softly and used his nails to bring up the starting point of the tape, wrapping it around your knuckles gently. It was silent for a moment but then he started to speak again, "what you did to draco.. that was bloody brilliant." he laughed and taped the bandage together. You giggled softly and rubbed your knuckles through the fabric, "someone had to do something." you joked with a shrug.

Harry tilted his head and nodded, "yeah i guess so."

The two of you stared at eachother in silence for awhile until Harry reached up and kissed you, "besides from brilliant.. it was also pretty hot." he mumbled and kissed you again. You of course kissed back and pushed him away playfully, "we have class big man." you said, hopping off of the counter and grabbing your stuff. Your boyfriend groaned and threw his head back, "can't we just skippppp?" he whined and came up behind you, kissing your neck slightly.

As much as you liked it though you couldn't skip another transfiguration class, Mrs. Mcgonagall has already let you off too many times. "Harry this is our last class of the day, you can wait." you teased and walked out of the bathroom. He followed behind in a trudge, unhappy that he had to attend class because his girlfriend said so.

A/N: Sorry it took so long to update. School has come back to bite me in the ass and writers block hit hard. Hopefully my updates for both books will go back to normal pace soon <3

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