Twenty Five

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yall loved it sm, i'm back!

Y/N tip toed her way into the bedroom she shared with her husband, Harry, with a sly smile. As she inched closer to the door she pushed it open quietly as best she could, trying not to spill the cupcake on the floor.

Harry was still sleeping and he was a deep sleeper so luckily for y/n, if she did make any noise he wouldn't wake up, making it a hell of a lot easier. It was Harrys 23rd birthday and y/n always did something on his birthday, wether it was breakfast in bed, a surprise party, or secret dinner reservations, she always had a sneaky little plan.

This year she decided she'd wake him up by singing happy birthday, or at least try to anyway. She walked over to the bed and carefully climbed onto the bed, straddling Harry. She counted to three in her head and then took a deep breath and began singing..

"Happy birthday to you.."

"Happy birthday to you.."

"Happy birthday dear Harry.."

"Happy birthday to you.."

She smiled and leaned over, whispering in his ear, "make a wish birthday boy.." she pecked the side of his face softly and gleamed when she noticed him opening his eyes.

Harry sleepily smiled when he spotted y/n on top of him with a cupcake, "I don't know how you manage to pull this off every year.." he laughed and blew out his candle. y/n shrugged and placed the plate on the nightstand beside their bed, "you're getting old." she teased and laid beside him.

Harry playfully slapped the side of her arm and looked at her like he was offended at what she said, "i'll have you know that you turn 24 next month. I don't wanna hear it." he pouted and wrapped his arms around her. The girl giggled and nodded, "boo hoo, you're still getting older faster."

Harry gasped and looked at her like he was offended, "keep it up and i'll push you out of the bed." he threatened and furrowed his eyebrows. y/n shook her head and threw a leg around him, "if i go down, you go down with me." she said with a smug look. Harry just snorted and buried his head into her chest, "i'm too tired right now, you're lucky."

she hummed in response and smiled at him, "we have so much to do today, love."

Harry Potter x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now