Twenty Two

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Harry sat in the gryffindor common room with Ron, Neville, Dean, and Seamus drinking butterbeer and loudly talking about professors they hated or quidditch. The girls on the otherhand sat up in their dorms gossiping about their boyfriends or other girls they disliked but very quietly unlike the boys downstairs.

"No Mione!" y/n giggled as she playfully slapped Hermiones arm, "come on y/n! we told you about ourssss.." Hermione wiggled her eyebrows and leaned in closer to y/n jokingly. y/n rolled her eyes and pushed hermione away from her with a slight laugh "okay okay fine i guess." she groaned sarcastically and signaled the girls to gather around her.

Everyone scooted closer excitedly and hugged pillows for comfort. y/n giggled and leaned in, lowering her voice "since you're all asking, yes its.. big." she blurted out making all the girls laugh, "like how big?" Ginny teased earning a slight glare from y/n. Hermione elbowed Ginny and turned back to look at y/n again "is he good in bed?" she asked making y/n nod in response, "very." y/ns lips curled into a smile.

Their girl time was soon interrupted when Dean, Ron, and Harry came up to collect their girlfriends for the night. The door swung open and the three boys came walking in with big smirks making their way over to the bed they all sat on. Harry and Ron wrapped their arms around their girlfriends "hey love." y/n said kissing Harrys cheek, "what were you girls talking about?" a tipsy but loud voice, who belonged to dean, asked looking up at everyone.

The three girls all looked at eachother and laughed in unison making the boys raise their eyebows in confusion. "what?" Ron asked in suspicion being cautious and unsure if he wanted to know the answer to his question, Hermione smirked "y/n was just telling us about how good Harry was in bed.." she blurted out in kind of a teasing way. Y/N gasped and her eyes widened as her boyfriend turned to look at her with a smug look.

Ron and Dean burst out laughing making Harrys head snap towards them and give them an evil kind of threatening glare. "Mione can't even talk because she was the first one who brought up how great Ron was in bed." y/n shot back laughing as she made eye contact with the now flustered granger. Ron quickly stopped laughing and turned to look at Hermione with wide eyes, a blush creeping onto his cheeks, "ginny was the second one to also do the same." Hermione said bluntly to get all the eyes off of her.

Ginny looked at her as if she was offended, "mione!" she shouted out throwing a pillow at her quite hard. Hermione and y/n laughed as Ginny became embarrassed and shy, "i didn't think i was that good in bed.." Harry said in a low tone making y/n roll her eyes. "don't get your hopes up Potter." she said jokingly and kissed him softly, "if i'm not all that why do you scream-" he was cut off by his flustered girlfriend who kissed him once more for a bit longer to get him to shut up.

After they pulled away y/n stood up and pulled Harry up with her, "me and Harry will be heading out now, bye guys." she waved politely and turned to walk out the door, her boyfriend following behind her. They closed the door behind them once they made their way out to the hallway and headed up the stairs to the dorm they secretly shared, Harry chuckling to himself the whole way up. y/n had heard him and chuckled a bit herself, "what are you chuckling at? Mr. Chuckles." she asked opening up their door.

Harry shook his head "you think i'm good in bed." he said quite excitedly, throwing his tie onto a chair and taking off his shirt, leaving him in only gym shorts. His girlfriend rolled her eyes in a sarcastic way also throwing her tie on the chair and throwing on one of Harrys quidditch jumpers. "yeah i do." she admitted as she climbed into bed and covered herself up with the comforter, Harry climbing in next to her, also wrapping himself in the blanket. The two scooted closer to eachother and kissed eachother goodnight,

"i love you darling."

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