Twenty Seven

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The class piled in one by one into the dada classroom, chattering very loudly with their friends ignoring the numerous attempts that Professor Lupin had tried to get their attention. It wasn't until he put on some music and tapped his wand onto the table that everyone got silent and gazed their eyes up at him.

He smiled warmly and put his hands behind his back, pacing infront of the students "today we will learn about boggarts and the spell used to rid of them." he scanned every single one of his students facial expressions, even his daughter, y/n.

Hermione raised her hand very quickly making Professor Lupin chuckle a bit, "yes miss granger? i'm assuming you know what it is." she nodded and began to speak, "a boggart is a shape shifting creature that takes form of whatever most frightens their opponent." she said it so easily, making everyone else feel dumb.

Y/N had always remebered her dad going on and on about Boggarts to his best mate, Sirius Black, she never really hated it until her fear became seeing the people she loved dearly, lifeless infront of her. To her this fear was always to embarrassing to tell anyone, even her father because in her eyes this was just a silly little fear anyone had.

"everyone line up and have your wands at the ready. When your boggart takes form, shout Riddikulus." Lupin nodded firmly and unlocked the hatches that held the door shut. Neville Longbottom was up first, then Ron, then Parvati, then Katie, Harry, Hermione, and lastly.. y/n.

She took a huge deep breath and stepped up in line, looking at her father for a reassuring smile that he always gave her when he noticed she was anxious. It always calmed her down a little bit, she knew no one would laugh at her but she still didn't want anyone to know her greatest fear. Everyone elses was spiders or clowns, professor snape, mcgonagall.. you name it but death was a new one.

The boggart took form into death eaters killing both Remus and Tonks, then Voldermort using the killing curse on her boyfriend Harry. She felt her knees get weak and almost collapse under her, tears threatened to fall from her eyes, her breathing getting heavier and it getting harder to speak.

Remus looked at her with a very worrysome look, his father instincts almost giving in and rushing towards her to comfort her, but he wanted her to do it. "Y/N the spell!"

"Riddi- Riddikulus!" she said but nothing happened. She fell to the floor and burst into a loud sob, shaking and barely being able to hold her wand.

Her boyfriend, stood in horror as he watched this all go down, he rushed towards her and knelt beside her as Lupin casted the spell to rid of it, Lupin also kneeling down beside her.

"darling we're right here.. your fathers okay, hes alive and well, i'm alive and well." Harry tried to reassure her, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her up.

Lupin shooed the other students out of the classroom and almost started crying at the sight of his daughter, shaking and crying. "we're not going anywhere, nothings going to happen to us."

y/n couldn't help but sob into Harrys chest harder and harder, seeing her parents and boyfriend lie dead on the ground really hurt her, scaring her nonetheless. "take her to the dorms and stay with her, i'll tell the professors why she missed their classes." Remus rubbed y/ns back and half smiled at Harry.


A couple of hours later y/n was sitting in the window as the moonlight reflected off of her, sipping the herbal tea Harry had gotten her from the kitchen. She was silent and hadn't spoken for the rest of the day after the incident in Dada class, she was embarrassed but also scared and hurt. She hated having to see that.

"y/n no ones making fun of you.." Harry hummed warmly, but the girl still didn't answer him she just continued to stare out the window, taking small sips. Harry sat next to her and brought his knees up to his chest, "darling talk to me.." he said as he stroked her hair. That was when y/n finally looked at him and took a deep breath, shaking her head firmly "theres nothing to talk about.. besides you already seen it."

Harry pursed his lips and softly sighed, "I know what you saw was very scary and upsetting.. but you have to know that no ones going anywhere, nothings going to happen." he leaned in and kissed her cheek quickly.

"i'm always here and i always will be."

and with that y/n smiled and clinged to her boyfriend.

Harry Potter x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now