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pregnancy au
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Morning sickness, it sucks, you hated waking up early in the morning just to throw up for 10 minutes. The other thing that sucked about it was accidentally waking up your husband, making him exhausted for work or exhausted during the day in general. You felt horrible but you couldn't help it and Harry tried to reassure you that it was fine but you knew Harry, he was good at hiding his feelings.

"how was your day love?" Harry asked hanging up his coat on the rack and plopping down on the couch. "mm fine." you responded dryly avoiding his gaze, keeping your attention on the telly, "what do you mean fine?" he mocked sitting up a bit. You shrugged "i mean fine" your answer was honest yet filled with the guilt of being the reason Harry was getting tired of you.

Harry raised an eyebrow and cleared his throat, "well you seem rather upset about something y/n. talk to me." he patted your legs making you jump a bit. "nothings wrong Harry, just don't feel good." you lied to him but gave him a sincere smile, your husband knew that it was clearly a lie and that you were upset by something or someone. The only way Harry would actually get it out of you is if he bugged you enough but he knew better than to try that while you were pregnant.

He just nodded and stood up, grabbing his jacket again and stuffing his wallet into his back pocket. "alright then, i'll be off. Ron wanted to get drinks tonight." he said slipping out of the door without a kiss goodbye or an i love you. You huffed and kept your attention on the telly trying not to let it get to you, "merlins sake harry.." you mumbled to yourself and let your tears stream down your face slowly before wiping them.


Harry entered the flat you two shared quietly being sure not to wake you if you had fallen asleep, which assuming it was 4 in the morning, it was safe to say you were fast asleep. He walked into the living room and saw you passed out on the couch, snoring.. the tv light bouncing off of you, he simply just giggled and picked you up carrying you to the bed. He was careful not to wake you but as he placed you down on the bed you stirred awake.

"Harry..?" you mumbled out and rubbed your eyes, "shh darling." he said in a comforting voice followed by a soft smile. You yawned and turned over to your side with your back facing Harry still mad at him about earlier but also still feeling guilty about keeping him up so late. "whats wrong?" your husband asked laying in bed next to you making the matress sink, "nothings wrong, why do you ask?" you lied making your heart sink a little, you hated lying to Harry.

"because you never sleep unless we're facing eachother." he let out a long sigh "so somethings up." he added and propped himself up on his shoulder. You debated on wether or not you should tell him what's actually going on, if you told him he would probably lie and reassure you that he doesn't care. If you don't tell him however, he'd constantly ask you whats wrong and get mad at you for not telling him. You were stuck and you didn't know what to do.

He hadn't stopped staring at you and you knew he wouldn't until you told him. You sighed and turned to face him looking at the sheets to avoid any eye contact, "i feel guilty." you stated right away with what it felt like was a lump in your throat. Harrys faceless expression soon turned into a more worried and saddened expression

"guilty about what..?" he asked

"keeping you up with this silly little pregnancy.." you chuckled nervously already on the verge of tears.

Harry gasped and lifted your chin up, his eyes seeming sad but angry all at the same time. "y/n this isn't a silly little pregnancy! this is our child, i don't care if you keep me up with your morning sickness." he expressed not letting you break eye contact.

"Harry you weren't even ready for a child. I remeber you telling me that in 5th year when we started dating. Even when we got married four years later." your voice was cracking and the tears stung as you held them in but you refused to let harry lie to you.

Your husband sighed and sat up, grabbing your hand and rubbing the back if your hand with his thumbs in circles. "that was many years ago y/n!! i'm ready now and i don't care what it takes." he paused for a moment and kissed the top of your head lightly.

"i love you and i love this baby."
"i always will.."

Harry Potter x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now