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A/N: ik tiktok is fucking picky about y/n and song fics but i got a really good song and a very good plot so suck it up.
bold: y/n singing
italic: Harry singing
bold italic: both

Throughout the day you had noticed your boyfriend Harry Potter, hadn't been to any of his classes or quidditch practice which was very weird considering he was much like Hermione, always on time and never skipped anything. Quidditch was very important to him and so was passing every class so considering he wasn't there was already giving you a bad feeling.

After the day was over you rushed back to the gryffindor common rooms to find Harry sitting on the couch, staring into the fireplace. You immediately knew something was wrong, "love.. whats wrong?" you asked softly walking up to the couch with your books still in hand. Harry looked up at you and shrugged "just thinking." he answered and turned his attention back to the flames.

You knew he was lying and he wasn't going to get away with it, "Harry tell me.." you demanded but with cautiousness. "i saw you with Ron.." he finally admitted now turning his gaze to the floor, picking his nails nervously. You grabbed his hand but he pulled away immediately after making you gasp and look up at him in shock, "you never smile like that around me." he said again not making eye contact with you.

All you did was sigh and place a hand on his shoulder, "sweets i can assure you-" Harry cut you off and stood up off of the couch, looking angrier. "you looked like you loved being around him, whenever you're around me you look bored." his voice began to raise and you stood up with him in an attempt to calm him down. "Harry i don't know what you think but i promise its nothing!" your voice was also beginning to raise and your hands started trembling, "i don't like your bestfriend.." you added.

Harry scoffed mainly in disbelief "you know its really hard to believe you sometimes..!" Harry said growing more agitated by the second. Your heart felt like it had just been stabbed and your eyes were stinging with tears begging to fall, "i've never lied to you once.. what makes you think i would now?" you asked him messing with the sleeve of your uniform. Harry was silent, you weren't sure if it was regret or anger but he didn't say anything making the room seem louder than before.

Thats when an idea popped into your head, Harry and you have a special song together that you always dance to, if he lets you get close to him this could potentially make things better. You took out your wand and used it to turn on and tune the radio in the room, it took awhile but you finally got the song playing, making you smile widely. While the beat was playing you walked up to Harry and took a hold of his hand, using your wand as a microphone, starting to sing with the music.

"the moon is high, like your friends that we first met. Went home and tried to stalk you on the internet, now i've read all the books beside your bed." your gripped tightened around his hand, making him relax a little.

"The wine is cold, like the shoulder that i gave you in the street. Cat and mouse for a month or two or three, Now i wake up in the night and watch you breathe." you got more and more dramatic with each line you sang, making a smile appear on Harrys face, making you smile more.

"Kiss me once cause you know i had a long night!"

"Kiss me twice cause its gonna be alright!"

"Three times cause i've waited my whole life!" Harry finally joined in and started dancing with you to the fast beat.

"I like shiny things but i'd marry you with paper rings, uh huh, thats right, you're the one i want.."

"I hate accidents except-"

"When we went from friends to this.."

"Uh huh, thats right, darling you're the one i want!

"in paper rings.."

"in picture frames.."

"in dirty dreams.."

"Oh, you're the one i want!"

the song ended and all that filled the room was the laughs and giggles of yours and Harrys. You looked up at the raven haired boy and refused to let go of his hand, "see.. i told you." you said sheepishly with a tiny grin. Harry chuckled brought you in for a slow kiss, "as long as ron knows that you're mine.." he muttered against your soft lips, making you blush and wrap your arms around him.

"I love you potter.."

"i love you too y/n.."
song: Paper rings - Taylor Swift

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