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3:00 in the morning and Harry was having a coughing fit, one of the worst ones hes had all day. There wasn't much you could do but sit there and rub his back and wait for it to calm down, over the hours Harry grew more and more annoyed with it which was understandable. You offered to take him down to the hospital wing but he would refuse saying that this was enough and that madem pomfrey couldn't do a thing about it, which in this case he was probably correct.

"love go back to bed.. i'll be fine" Harry said in a hoarse voice looking miserable more than ever, "i'll go back to bed when you calm down." you responded stubbornly. "y/n you have class early, its already 3am. please go to bed" he pleaded with you and even tried to sweet talk you into it but you wouldn't give up, you were determined to take care of him no matter the consequences. "Harry you've legitimately fallen off of your broom many times, almost swallowed the golden snitch, met death a few hundered times, and fought off dementors. i've witnessed it all." your voice was stern but very drousey.

"yeah but-" he tried to protest but you weren't having any of it, "i think me staying up with you while your sick is exceptionally okay." you smiled and patted his back. Harry rolled his eyes and laid down once more turning over to face you, smiling and reaching to caress your face. "i don't know how you're dating me. I've almost died a million times probably giving you mini heart attacks each time, why haven't you broken up with me yet?" he seemed genuine but also confused. "Because Harry, i love you more than anything in this world. I don't care that you've almost died, at least if you did die i'd get your stufffff.." you said laughing.

Harry giggled a little and pinched your cheeks in response, "you're one bloody git you know that?" Harry asked sarcastically and rolled over with his back facing you. "at least i'm your bloody git" you whispered and also turned over glancing at the alarm clock as you did so sighing. Harry turned over and wrapped his arms around your waist and buried his head in the crook of your neck, "yeah you'll always be my bloody git." he yawned and immediately fell asleep after. You yawned a bit yourself and closed your eyes, smiling at what Harry said, "yeah i will.." you muttered before dozing off.

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