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pt. 2

Everyone laid down in their beds to rest either half naked or still dressed in their daytime clothes, it was dark and quiet, a few times you could hear owls or crickets. sometimes it was animals walking across the forest making twigs snap in half or leaves crunch. Hermione and Ron were the first two to pass out not even 5 minutes after laying down, Harry was slowly falling asleep and you.. you couldn't close your eyes without seeing the manor flashbacks.

You weren't going to tell them that though, rest was more important at the moment and so was going through with the plan in the morning. After tossing and turning for quiet awhile you finally gave up and stepped outside in the cold breeze, taking in the smells of nature and the blissful silence. No one to shout at you, no running from someone or something, no yelling charms and curses trying to protect yourself.. just peace.

It didn't last long though because Harry had noticed you were gone out of bed and got worried so he went outside with you as well. He stepped behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist from behind, "Mione and Ron didn't suspect anything about us yet huh?" you chuckled softly making Harry laugh a bit. He shook his head and rested his chin on top of your shoulder "we're hiding it so well, although i do have to admit its hard to not kiss you in certain situations." he teased making you blush.

You both went silent for a few minutes before you had the sudden urge to apologize to him about what Ron had said earlier to you. "Harry?" you called out for him, "hm lovebug?" he replied, "i'm sorry if i slowed down the plan at all.." you looked out at the stars and Harry furrowed his eyebrows. "y/n you didn't slow down any-" you cut him off "i was being stupid that day. I ran out of the tent and the next thing you know i get grabbed and taken to the manor." your voice sounded disappointed and Harry hated that.

He hated how you would scold yourself or doubt yourself at times, it always bothered him watching you beat down on yourself. "we were worried sick, mione cried and i couldn't ever sleep. You didn't slow down or mess up anything." he said softly making you turn to face him. He cupped your cheeks and pulled you in for passionate kiss, pulling away for air after awhile "there's something else bothering you darling, i can tell by your tense body language." he whispered and connected your foreheads together.

You shrugged and held onto him tightly "i'm in pain, real bad pain but i hate admitting it. Everything else is so important right now." you looked down at your body for a moment. Harry moved his hands to your waist and pulled you closer to his body, "i could've helped you y/n, i still can." Harry exclaimed but you shook your head "but i want to help you first Harry.." you breathed out making Harry sigh a bit.

He kissed your forehead "let me help you now." he demanded but in a polite way, Harry had always known how to make you give in to people which bothered you so much. "fine but please be gentle." you whimpered quitely and your secret boyfriend nodded, "pinky promise." he smiled and took your hand pulling you back inside.

Harry Potter x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now