chapter 35

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­I roll over, nearly falling off the couch. I start awake, heart pounding. I must have fallen asleep after the movie with Louis finished and just never made it to my bed. Oh shit. Louis. I stumble off the couch, tripping over the blanket and almost running headfirst into the wall.

“Louis?” I call out, heading directly to my room. The door is closed which is a tell-tale sign he’s in there.

“Louis? Are you in there?” I call through the door. There’s no answer. I cautiously open the door to find it empty. I check the bathroom but that too is empty. I begin to believe he’s left me when I turn around and run smack into him. I let out a little shriek and then a bigger shriek as I realize he’s not wearing any clothes.

“Louis!” I yell, averting my eyes quickly and backing up. But I’ve already seen all I need to see. His stomach muscles are prominent and the muscles in his arms bulge. I didn’t look down but if I did I can imagine what I’d see there: massively sculpted thighs leading down to strong calves. Oh my God.

“Oh, hey, Trey. Thought I’d take a shower before I headed out. You don’t mind do you?” He asks. I shake my head, still turned away.

“Can you please put on some clothes?” I squeak, afraid to turn around.

“I’m wearing clothes.”

“No you’re not!” I turn to look at him. I glance down and see he is wearing boxers. Tight boxers. I suck in a breath and try not to assess his ‘situation’ whilst my face turns bright red.

Louis snickers. “Am I making you uncomfortable?”

I glare at him. “What the hell do you think?”

“Well I’m not uncomfortable. I’ve worked hard on this body and I’m proud of it. You can stare all you want.”

She wants to do more than just stare

“I’d rather not. Go take a shower for God’s sake,” I demand, only turning to look at his body as he leaves my room. His back is a beautiful thing. And that ass.


“Where are you taking me?” I moan for the hundredth time, sick of being in this car. It’s been about two hours since Louis kidnapped me from my flat and I need to get out and stretch or something.

A smile plays on his lips. “You’ll see.”

“No. Louis Tomlinson, tell me right now or I’ll punch you!” I threaten him. He gasps.

“You wouldn’t hit the driver would you? That’s dangerous!” His tone is light and teasing.

I shove his shoulder instead and he laughs.

“I’m serious. Where are we going?”

“Give me five minutes.”

I mumble obscenities but leave it alone. He’s such a hard ass.

The landscape flies by outside my window and it looks vaguely familiar. There’s hardly any traffic so we’re basically alone on the road. In the car, the radio can just be heard softly playing and I turn it up, switching radio stations.

“Remember when you used to be afraid to change the station?” Louis asks suddenly.

I pull my hand away quickly. “Oh yeah. That’s back when we used to fight every day.”

“We still do.”

“Only because you’re such a stubborn little shithead.” I laugh at him whilst he pouts.

“Well then I guess we’re a match because you are too!”

I just shrug, not even denying it.

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