chapter 23

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I drop into my seat at the back of the bus and slouch in fatigue. I am happy we're going home but I am not happy it's at half eight in the morning.

"You look mighty fine this morning," Louis teases as he sits next to me. I don't have enough effort to speak so I just slide my eyes over to give him a half-assed glare. He laughs at my reaction then settles in, quickly putting his backpack on the floor next to him. Angel takes his seat across from us, but unlike on the way to the camp, I don't acknowledge his existence, completely content with ignoring him for the rest of my life. He doesn't look at me either, choosing to sulk with his headphones in. I count it as a personal victory that Louis doesn't speak to him; he must have learned what Angel said to me. I close my eyes and am about to drift off to sleep amongst the noise of twenty-two boys crammed onto a single bus when I hear my name being called out. I mumble something to the effect of "what the hell do you want" before someone is poking me in the side.

"What?" I growl, turning my body so my head is leaning against the window.

"Trey! Wake up, Trey! John is calling you," he whispers, his lips against my ear. My heart jumps erratically and I jerk up at the feeling of his hot breath on me. I quickly open my eyes and see John waving at me from the front of the bus. I groan and take a few moments to collect myself before pushing Louis out of the seat and slowly making my way up front.

"What's up?" I ask with as much control as I can muster, still not over being angry at him.

"Can I speak to you for a moment?" He asks, looking around nervously. I just nod my head and he beckons me to follow him outside and off the bus. Cautiously I do, keeping in pace with him until we're about two meters from the vehicle.

"I just really want to sincerely apologize for my actions during our team retreat. I regret a lot of what I did and I hope you don't think I'm total rubbish. I just needed to keep the respect I have from my players and I couldn't think of any other way besides punishing you and Louis for being away from camp."

I snort in disbelief, crossing my arms over my chest. "You couldn't, oh I don't know, have talked to us and asked us for an explanation before you doled out unnecessary discipline? I can assure you Louis and I would have explained everything down to the last detail if you wanted. It was more than unfair for us to be chastised over something that was not our fault to begin with," I state with confidence, a little hurt that John didn't think of another solution.

"I know," he says hanging his head. "I hope you'll forgive me for being an absolute ass. I know you haven't had the best start working for me with the lads and the pressure I put on you didn't lighten the load."

He actually sounds regretful and for a moment I'm tempted to start kissing the ground he walks on again. But I can't bring myself to let go of the grudge. I nod in thoughtfulness and his face brightens.

"I'll certainly think about it, John," I say, turning toward the bus. "But don't expect me to forget what you did overnight."

"No, never! Please take your time!"

I nod again and walk back onto the bus, maneuvering my way through the abundance of bags in the aisle. Louis shifts over toward the window so I can sit on the outside but I pout.

"I wanted the window," I whine, sitting down reluctantly.

"Too bad because I have it, love," he chuckles, leaning his head against it in spite. I grumble a 'whatever' that makes him laugh again and pull out my phone from my pocket.

As soon as the bus starts moving, everyone cheers; I'm sure as heck ready to go home. I search for a place to rest my tired head and Louis pats his shoulder.

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