chapter 8

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"I'll be right out, I promise!" I call to Louis as I race down my hallway and into my bedroom. It looks like a bomb hit it and I scramble for a few seconds picking up random items off the floor. Then I remember to actually change my clothes. I am flicking through all the jeans in my closet when I hear footsteps in the hall. I panic, grabbing a pair of jeans and slamming the closet door closed.

"Are you alright?" I shout nervously. Louis peeks around my doorjamb and nods.

"Where's the loo?" He asks quietly. I walk past him and into the hallway where I turn on the light of the bathroom that's in plain sight.

"Oh," Louis' cheeks turn a cute pink colour and I have to laugh at how cute he is. "Sorry." He shuffles in and closes the door. I run back to my room and grab a random t-shirt and sweatshirt and quickly change out of my smelly practice gear.

"There's not enough time to shower right?" I mutter to myself, checking the clock. 18:00.


I grab my only perfume bottle off the bathroom counter and drown myself in it, spritzing every available surface of my body to mask my sweaty smell. I sniff my sweatshirt and almost gag because too much perfume but I shrug.

"Louis? Can I ask you something?" I ask, walking into the lounge room. He is sitting on the couch and I am thrown back into my dream again so suddenly that I falter for a moment. He looks so at ease in my flat and it's weird. Like he's been here before.

"Yeah, love. What's up?"

I blush at the word 'love' and clear my throat to distract him from my red face.

"Do I smell bad to you?"

"Sorry?" Louis raises his eyebrows and stands up.

I roll my eyes. "Do I smell like I didn't take a shower after two hours of an intense workout?"

"Oh, uh," Louis stutters and leans a centimeter toward me. "No you smell good."

I roll my eyes again. Boys. "That was a crap job and you know it. Smell me!"

"But this is weird!" He whines. I grab his neck and stand on my tippy toes so he can smell me. He sucks in a sharp breath but actually leans all the way in. My heart is beating so fast and I'm sure my face is so red but I need to know. Louis grabs my sweatshirt and buries his face in it. I laugh, shifting on my tip toes.

"No you smell really good actually," Louis comments.

"So it doesn't smell like I didn't take a shower? Good. We can go now." I let go of Louis' warm neck and force my feet to walk away. He follows me.

"You have a really nice flat here."

I smile.


"I noticed you have two bedrooms. Do you ever have guests over?" Louis asks nonchalantly. I smirk to myself and shake my head.

"Never. My only friends that used to come over left me behind on my team so it's just me here. All the time." I reply just as nonchalant. Louis opens his mouth in a little 'o' and nods in understanding.

"Speaking of your old team, I need to apologize."

Now it's my turn to turn my mouth into an 'o'.

"What for?" I ask cautiously.

"I should have never argued with you the way I did last night at the bar. It was very rude and I felt terrible after you left and I couldn't finish eating so I left early too. I couldn't stop thinking about what I said and how I could have approached it differently and I realized I messed up big-time, Trey.

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