chapter 34

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“Finally! I’m home!” I collapse onto my couch, breathing in the scent on the fabric. I roll over and stare at the ceiling with a smile on my face. It was a tough three weeks, but now we’re back.

As soon as I close my eyes to try to take a nap, I’m bombarded by the images of my dream last night. Louis and I kissing. Falling over furniture, the desperation clear in our movements and breathless words. We really went at it, clothes flung to ever corner of the flat, marks on our skin. It was a dream full of misplaced passion and after I woke up I couldn’t go back to sleep. I couldn’t even look at him in the morning. It’s obvious my subconscious is telling me to hook up with him, and I want to so badly, but I need to focus. After all, my relationship with John is still rocky and the last thing I need is to be fired for sleeping with Louis.

I open my eyes in frustration, cursing myself for being this twisted. If you want the dreams to go away, you have to make them a reality. Please, shut up.

Deep inside my suitcase, I hear my phone ring. I groan and bend down to reach it, unzipping every pocket before I can find it. By then it’s stopped ringing and I glance at the caller ID. Scott. I quickly call him back; worry slowly seeping into my mind.

“Hey Trey.”

“Hey Scott. What’s up?”

“Not much. I just wanted to let you know that John has requested our appearance at the bar around 21:00. I figured you’re still not talking to him so you mind as well hear it from me than him,” Scott laughs.

I smile. Ever since Scott got over being a dumbass, I found he is easily the best person to talk to.

“John wants to see us again? Did he not get enough out of our three week-long excursion?”

“He also mentioned Rick Felding is going to be there.”

I instantly turn cold. The queen can’t be anywhere without the king. I make an indistinguishable noise and Scott laughs again.

“I know. I did the same thing. Just…show up ok? I don’t want to be in his presence by myself.”

“Fine. But you owe me.” I say, rolling my eyes.


I step into the bar, memories flooding in, and promptly slam my leg into a table.

“Ow!” I hiss, rubbing the sore spot.


This is all wrong. The layout is all wrong. This table shouldn’t be here. It’s throwing me off. My chest tightens and I start to panic, suddenly unsure of where I’m standing. I never realized how much I relied on my dream to navigate through this place. I grip the back of a chair so forcefully I’m not sure what’s going to snap off first--my fingers or the wood. The chatter in the bar is too loud and I’m disoriented, turning around and stumbling like I’m already drunk. I hear someone calling my name but I can’t locate the source of the sound. I feel tears threaten to fall and I sniff hard, just wanting to leave and never come back.

“Hey, Trey! Coach!” Scott is by my side and I look right through him.

“They changed this place,” I whisper.

“Yeah I know! Isn’t it awesome? The layout is much better,” he smiles at me but I shake my head.

“Are you ok, love? You’re really pale.”

“I’m fine.” Quite the contrary. I feel like I’m going to throw up.

“Let’s get you to a table then yeah?” Scott leads me over to what I presume to be his table. I spot John and Rick Felding a few tables away, laughing like they’ve been buddies since the womb. I glare at John’s head before I am pushed into a booth. Scott slides in after me and I’m staring into blue, blue eyes.

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