chapter 7

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I step through the double metal doors and twenty-three pairs of eyes turn to watch me. My palms start to sweat and I feel awkward frozen in the doorway.

"Trey!" John says, motioning me over to him. I slowly step onto the field and try to avoid eye contact with him. I'm still angry over my not-so-subtle dismiss from the bar.

"Coach," I reply coldly, nodding my head at him and turning my back.

"I want the other group today!" I call, clapping my hands and marching my way to the right side of the field. I get about halfway there when I realize no one is following me. I grit my teeth and spin around.

"If you don't get your asses over here I swear to fucking God I will make you run sprints until you cough up blood, do you understand me?" I shout at the boys, my voice resonating throughout the stadium. There's a massive silence and I feel my anger slowly mount.

"Trey, we all need to talk," John calls to me, for once not shouting my name.

"I don't want to talk to you," I mutter.

"Sorry?" John asks.


He beckons me back to him and I take a deep breath before I stalk toward him.

"What?" I ask a little too snarky.

"Oooh," Scott laughs. "What's up your ass today, love?"

A bunch of sarcastic comebacks run circles in my head but I clamp my mouth shut, refusing to be goaded. I am standing hands on hip, feet parted, mouth in a straight line.

"Certainly not you," someone from the crowd breathes and everyone laughs. My face turns red with anger and I lunge forward, locking eyes with the kid who said it. Someone grabs my shoulders and wrenches me back whilst someone else grabs my head and forces me to look at them.

"Take a deep breath, Trey. Take a deep breath. Don't let them get to you. You are above them. You have the power," Angel whispers to me, mere centimeters from my lips. My eyes focus in and out on his eyes until I feel myself starting to take big breaths.

He nods encouragingly at me when he notices I'm not ready to spit fire anymore and I brush his hands from my face. I look down and see Louis gripping my waist, his nails digging into my skin. His blue eyes catch my green ones and he releases me quickly, dropping his arms and backing away.

I turn to the silenced crowd and glare at them. "What the hell does it take for me to gain respect around here?" I shout. There is no answer.

"What does it take for me to be treated like I belong here? Like I worked my ass off for this position?" Still silence.

"You all better get your Goddam heads screwed on straight because I am not going anywhere and I am going to continue to make your lives a living hell until I get the proper acknowledgement I deserve. Yes I am a girl. Yes I am the same age as some of you. Yes I no longer play for my team. But you know what? Just because I am a girl does not mean you get to treat me like an object or so help me God I will cut off your penises and make you eat them.

"And as for me being the same age as you? Do you think I wanted to coach this early? Hell, I should still be playing for my team and helping them win championships instead of coaching a boy's football team. But not everything goes the way we plan, does it?" I spit out, feeling a huge weight being lifted off my chest. It feels good to yell at people, I haven't done that in a while.

"So before you write me off as a girly-girl who doesn't know her right foot from her ass, I dare you to challenge me again and we'll see where you end up."

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