chapter 9

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"Oh crap I have to go!" Louis says as he jumps up from the couch. I sleepily look at the clock and rub my eyes in disbelief.

"It's 23:00 already?" I ask, pushing myself off the sofa and dragging my feet toward my front door.

"Wow, time really does fly," Louis laughs as he steps through the door. "That was fun coach," he smiles at me and I smile back.

"You can call me Trey. I mean, we did spend most of the night watching movies together and we are almost the same age."

"Well, thanks Trey." He nods. His blue eyes hold a bit of sleep in them but he looks happy. "If your car ever breaks down again, just come and find me." He pokes me in the shoulder. I laugh.

"Will do, Louis."

We stare at each other for a few moments before Louis fidgets out of my doorway.

He's about to leave when he notices he's still holding my football in his hands.

"Oh. I, uh, should probably give this back to you."

I just look at him amusedly and he rolls his eyes whilst throwing me the ball. I catch it easily and lean against the doorjamb.

"See ya at practice on Monday!" He calls out as he runs down the stairs.

"See ya!" I wave before shutting the door. Holy shit.


Bzzz, bzzz. Bzzz, bzzz.

I groan and turn over, settling back into my pillow.

Bzzz, bzzz. Bzzz, bzzz.

"Ugh! Shut up!" I mumble to my room.

Bzzz, bzzz. Bzzz, bzzz.

"Oh for God's sake!" I scream, pushing the blankets off my warm body and grabbing my phone from the nightstand. I don't even check the name before I answer.

"What do you want?" I ask in my gravelly man voice.

"Err, Trey?" John asks on the other line.

I suck in a breath. "Oh my God I am so sorry John! I just woke up. Well, I am still not up. Uh, anyway, what's up?" I ramble, mentally slapping myself multiple times.

John laughs. "No worries Trey. We all have those mornings. I was wondering why you didn't show up to the bar last night? I just wanted to make sure you were ok."

I bite my lip furiously, trying to come up with an excuse.

"Well, my car wouldn't start yesterday, so I decided I would just get it towed to my flat and then I realized I couldn't get to the bar so I didn't go." I lie.

Way to go, Trey. Lying to your boss when you've only been a part of the team for two days.

"Oh. Well you could have called me and I would have picked you up. Or you could have asked one of the lads, I'm sure they would have helped." John says, and I shake my head.

"I didn't want to trouble anyone," I lie again, twisting my bed sheets in my free hand.

"As long as you're alright..." John trails off and I take that as my cue to hang up.

"Yeah I am. Well, thank you for calling John that was very sweet of you. Cheers!" I quickly mutter.

"Wait! You didn't happen to see Louis yesterday after practice did you?" John's voice pierces my ear.

Louis. He can't know about Louis. He can't know Louis was over my flat. I would be fired in seconds.

"Who?" I squeak out. Brilliant, Trey, just brilliant.

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