chapter 11

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­­­­I glance at the clock and sigh for the hundredth time, fixing my shirt and pants. You might as well start walking to Franco Manca now, Trey. It's going to take at least an hour even with public transportation. Lovely. I grab a heavy jacket and shrug it on, making sure to stuff my keys, wallet and phone inside my pockets.

I am walking down my short hallway to the lounge when I hear a rushed knock on the door. I sigh and walk toward it, opening it slowly. Louis stands there, his hands shoved in his jeans pockets and his head hanging low.

I can't say I'm not surprised, I would have thought our heated argument in the car a few hours ago would have terminated our 'friendship', or whatever you would call what we had. However, my heart can't help but race at the sight of him and my cheeks flush. I clear my throat and his head snaps up, his blue eyes sad.

I stand in my doorway without saying a word.

"Hi, Trey," he says softly. I arch an eyebrow and lean against my doorjamb.

He puffs up his cheeks and fidgets. "I want to apologize again."

At that I laugh. "And I'm supposed to forgive you this time? Please, before I slam this door in your face, are there any other secrets you would like to reveal about your douche personality, or do I have to find out the hard way?"

He juts out his lower lip in a pout and I can see his eyes try to plead with me.

I roll my eyes. "Fine. What is it this time?"

He attempts to smile at me but I glare at him. "I shouldn't have said what I did in the car." He lets out in one big breath.

I blink at him. "That's it? You came all this way to tell me you regret showing me the real you? Well, sorry mate, you should have saved it," I snap, stepping back and almost slamming the door. Louis kicks out his foot to stop me and I sigh.

"You're twisting my words," he accuses me. I raise my hands in mock surrender.

"Oh gee, you got me there," I say in a high voice. Louis rolls his eyes in irritation but I don't push him out.

"Can I please come in and explain this?" He asks.

"No," I say as I walk away, leaving the door against his foot. I hear him rush in and close the door quietly. I glance at the clock nervously and tap my foot. I should have been out of here ten minutes ago.

"Make it quick I have someplace to be."

"Well, after you left, I calmed down a bit and realized I didn't quite word my apology the correct way."

I put my hands on my hips. "It took until after I walked out of your car to figure that one out?" I yell. Louis flinches but then he steels himself.

"Look, I just wanted to say sorry for not giving you the respect you deserved from the very beginning; on behalf of me and the rest of my teammates. I, uh, we shouldn't have judged you so quickly when you were just starting out-"

I cut him off. "So just because it was my first day on the job you thought it would be ok to hate me?" I ask incredulously.

Louis vigorously shakes his head. "No! See, you're twisting my words!"

"I am not twisting anything! Now if you're done with your pathetic little confession you can get out because I need to leave. I have to walk an hour to get to Franco Manca and you standing here isn't getting me there any faster," I say, brushing past Louis and walking toward the front door.

"Wait, you're walking?" Louis asks, running to catch up with me. I set my jaw but don't answer him as I open the door and walk out into the hallway. As soon as Louis is out of my flat, I close and lock the door, pocketing the key before turning on him.

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