chapter 33

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“Thank you for the movie, Lou. I really would have paid for my ticket and food.”

“That’s exactly why I took your wallet away from you.”

I roll my eyes and he laughs.

“This was fun. It’s nice to hang out with you when you’re not being my coach,” Louis says, running a hand through his hair.

“I’m just going to take that as a compliment,” I grin and he grins back. We’re standing in front of my hotel door, awkwardly facing each other with our arms at our sides. I glance down at my phone to pretend to be busy and Louis shifts from foot to foot.

“I guess I better get to my room then…we have a huge game tomorrow.”

“Yeah, I better get inside as well. Our scrimmage today really knocked me out.”

There’s a long pause where neither of us move. Finally, Louis leans in and gives me a small hug. I freeze and my heart pounds. I hug him back quickly and we both pull apart, him turning and walking toward his room and me turning and opening my door. I am about to close it and fall to the floor when I hear my name being called.

I prop open the door again and John is standing there, asking to come in.

I cautiously open the door farther and he rushes in.

“What’s up John?” I ask carefully, suddenly fearful he saw my and Louis’ hug.

“What is our game plan for tomorrow morning?” He asks, a little unsteady on his feet. I study him, narrowing my eyes. That’s when the smell hits me.

“Are you drunk, John?” I ask incredulously, the sweet aroma of wine wafting up toward my nose.

“No; no; no. I had a little bit to drink is all,” he waves his hand dismissively and nearly loses his balance completely.

“John, you’re not well. Let’s get you back to your room.” I demand, taking hold of his arm. “Have you just been in now?”

“No! Trey, pay attention. What is our plan for tomorrow’s game?” His glazed eyes look up at me and I begin to grow angry.

“How dare you ask me that John! You have been gone all bloody day, and you expect me to just sit around drawing up plans for you? You’re the head coach! You should have been doing all of that instead of becoming best mates with the other coaches and stupid Mr. Felding. We are more important than them!” I start yelling, taking my hands and putting them on my hips. “I actually went out tonight and had a great time! I haven’t seen a movie with someone I actually liked for a very long time.”

“Who did you go with? Why weren’t you here taking care of the lads?” Anger laces John’s voice and now I am livid.

“I’m not a babysitter! And they don’t need to have someone hovering over them every second!”

“You didn’t answer my first question, Trey.”

“Does it really matter who I was with?”

“Answer the damn question.”

“For fuck’s sake. I was with Louis! We went out to see a movie together! Jesus, it’s not like we’re dating,” I spit out, the harshness of my own words doing damage to my heart.

“Good. I don’t want you dating my star player,” John mumbles, but not low enough so I couldn’t hear. The air whooshes out of the room; my mouth gapes open and there’s a beat where I am just radiating fury.

“’I don’t want you dating my star player’. Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize I wasn’t good enough for Louis. He’s too God-like is he? I’m not worthy of his adoration. I don’t belong draped in his arms. Are you fucking kidding me? You’re too far up Felding’s ass there, John. He’s fed you his bullshit and you got sucked right in.” I laugh bitterly. “If I’m not good enough for Louis, if I’m not a real coach, if I’m not the best damn friend there is in this world, then what the hell am I?” I’m screaming; fists balled up in anger. John is swaying back and forth, a scowl on his face.

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