chapter 32

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“Sprints!” I shout to the boys, everyone shuffling toward me. They collectively groan but line up anyway. I hide a smug smile; they’ve learned well. When I blow my whistle, everyone sprints to the designated cone, and then sprints back. I do this three times before I let them rest. Some lie flat on the ground whilst others bend over, trying to catch some air. I take a swig from my water bottle and glance at my notes John gave me. He’s gone out with Rick Felding and some other coaches again. That’s just fine with me because I’d rather deal with these twats than deal with older, richer, more powerful twats.

“Right then. Let’s grab partners yeah? We’re going to do your favourite drill!”

I grin wickedly and the boys roll their eyes.

“Oh, that’s right. It’s my favourite drill.”

“Just get on with it!” Someone yells and I laugh.

“Someone needs to be the header and the other the kicker. Sort it out and then we’ll talk.”

Immediately the lads split into twos and begin discussing who’s starting the drill. I quickly count out the proper number of balls we need and throw the rest to the side. A loud bang sounds from behind me and I glance over to see a stream of boys walk onto the field, led by none other than the asshole from two days ago. I wrinkle my nose in disgust but ignore them, focusing on my group.

Once everyone is situated, I give the instructions and we’re off. I’m partnered with Ryan and gently head the ball back to his feet where he balances a second before kicking it back up to me. After a few reps, we switch and I kick it up to him.

“This is much better when we don’t have to go for a swim,” Scott calls from somewhere in the midst. I laugh loudly, checking my watch.

“Oh come on! You loved getting wet. Plus, you got to take off your shirts later,” I taunt.

“Nah, love, I’m pretty sure we just loved watching you wet,” Louis says earning hoots from his teammates. My face burns bright red and I make no further comment.

We switch partners and do the drill again. This time I’m partnered with Angel and he tries to make small talk.

“Focus on what you’re doing,” I hiss after the fourth time running after a stray ball. Suddenly, he grabs the ball right out of the air and glares at me.

“What the hell is your problem, Trey?”

I’m shocked to say the least but I hold my ground.

“Excuse me, I don’t know if you forgot how to play football but you can’t touch it with your hands.”

“Trey!” He’s furious now, yellow eyes burning.

I put my hands on my hips. “I don’t have a problem.”

“Like hell you don’t! Everyone else around here gets the royal treatment and you just slap me in the face. Are you still mad at me for what I said during our camping trip?” Angel looks at me with sadness and I force myself to stay calm.

“Yes I’m still mad at you! You really tore down my trust for you and it’s going to take a while for me to recover.”

“But you and Scott are friends now!” He whines, this close to actually stomping his foot.

He has a point.

Just forgive him already, Trey; the poor kid is miserable without you.

I groan, battling with a decision.

“I’ll think about it,” I snap hastily, walking away from Angel.

He looks bewildered. “You’ll think about what?”

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