chapter 10

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Don't murder me because this chapter alright.

I jiggle my legs up and down as I stare blankly at my TV. Do I call him or not? My palms are sweaty and my legs move faster. I sigh and take out my phone from my pocket, swiping the unlock section and hovering over Louis' contact name.

I had locked and unlocked my phone about twenty times before debating whether I should grow a pair and call him or not. The ticking of the clock on the wall is grating on my nerves and before I can psych myself out again, I press call.

A few seconds pass before he picks up.


I freeze, my mouth open and nothing coming out.

"Hello? Is anyone there?"

His tone is cautious and I clear my throat.

"Louis?" I ask hesitantly although I know who it is.

"Coach? Uh,Trey, I mean?" He laughs quietly to himself over his blunder and I can't help but smile.

"Yeah, it's me. I was just wondering if you would be able to do me a favor."

The clock on the wall reads 13:45 and my legs jiggle even faster.

"Sure, babe, what's up?"

My eyes widen at the word 'babe' and I have to bite my lip to keep from screaming.

"Well, I kind of don't have my car and I was wondering if you would be able to drive me to the stadium so I could pick it up?" My voice rises an octave at the end of the question, squeezing one eye shut as I wait for his answer.

"Sure thing! I'll swing around your flat in fifteen, sound good?" I can hear the smile in his voice and I breathe a sigh of relief.

"Yes, that would be lovely. Thanks so much!"

"Anytime coach. Err, Trey. Sorry I keep doing that," he chuckles and I hold back a grimace.

"It's ok," I lie.

"Cheers love!" He says before he hangs up. My legs finally stop moving and I stand from the couch, pacing back and forth in front of my TV. I glance at the clock every few minutes, willing the fifteen minutes to pass quickly.

I gnaw on the inside of my cheek as I pace, my hands fiddling with the bottom of my jumper. I twitch when I hear a soft knock on my door and I practically trip over my own feet trying to answer it.

"Hello!" I greet Louis as he hops from one foot to the other outside my door; his cheeks and nose a cute red colour from the chill outside.

"Jesus Christ it's cold out there!" He hugs himself, shivering as he steps inside my flat.

"I know! I was dying this morning," I reply, closing the door behind him. He takes a look around the lounge area like he wasn't just here last night and grins at me.

"Do you have any tea?" He asks shyly. I get distracted by his eyes for a moment as he gazes at me sheepishly.

"Um, I don't know, let me check." I quickly turn around and walk to the kitchen.

"What do you mean you don't know? Are you even proper British?" Louis teases and I stick my tongue out at him.

I rummage through my cabinets trying to find any when I come across a box of unopened Yorkshire tea.

"Victory!" I yell, snatching the box from the cabinet and handing it to him.

He gasps. "Yorkshire? How did you know this was my favourite?"

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