chapter 5

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I continue down the line of boys robotically asking for their names and splitting them into groups. I barely look at faces before I send them off. The name Louis and the brilliant blue eyes won't leave my head. What I don't understand is how I could have had a dream about him if I have never met him until now.

I am still trying to recover from the initial shock when I come face to face with yellow-eyes. He grins crookedly at me, showing off deep dimples I didn't see before. My eyes widen again before I shake my head to clear my thoughts.

"What's your name?" It almost comes out like a sigh. Yellow-eyes quirks an eyebrow and gazes at me, not saying anything. I shift my eyes away from his, nervously toeing at the ground.

"Angel," he says after a few moments. I slowly raise my head and give him a questioning look.

"Your name is Angel?" I ask incredulously.

"Yes, got a problem with that?"

My words echoed back to me make me smile.

"No sir," I smile and he laughs, sticking out a hand. Surprised, I take it, my small hand easily disappearing in his giant one.

"Nice to meet you, Trey," Angel whispers before turning around and walking away, not needing me to tell him which side to go to. I stare at his back and try to reel in my thoughts.

"Hey Trey! Are you done yet?" John comes over to me and claps a hand on my shoulder. I flinch and quickly rip my gaze from Angel.

"Umm, yeah. Almost."

"Ok, great! When you finish up meet me by left goalie."

I nod quickly and go through the remaining lads faster than before. Once I have everyone situated in the right teams, I jog over to where John is standing.

"Trey!" John calls over. I force a smile and jog a little faster. I hate how he has to say my name every time he talks me. Once I'm near him, John addresses the small team assembled there.

"Alright lads! Now I know you're all excited to play a little footie match, but first, you need some practice," John says to the boys, looking each of them in the eye. They bow their heads in agreement, although some of them roll their eyes. I catch Louis nodding in agreement and have to hide my smile. He is staring at the ground whilst playing with his 'captain' arm band.

"Coach Trey is going to be assisting you in this station, so I expect you to treat her with the same respect you treat me and Coach Davidson with," John says sternly, shooting me a wink. I swallow thickly and play with the hem of my shirt. I glance down and realize I am in no condition to do any sort of playing.

"" I speak up quietly. The whole team seems to hear me and turns around simultaneously. I gulp and fumble with my fingers.

"I didn't bring any practice clothes," I say softly. John just blinks at me whilst a player, Scott, snickers.

"You come to football practice and don't bring practice clothes? And you're supposed to be the second assistant coach?" He scoffs, emphasizing the word 'second' and rolling his eyes. Anger suddenly burns within me and I glare at him.

"It's not my fault I didn't know I would actually be helping you imbeciles. It was already implied you knew how to play football," I reply coolly, enjoying watching the hatred toward me grow in Scott's green eyes. John clears his throat and when I glance at him he has the vanishing trace of a smile on his lips.

"Hmm... let's see," John taps his chin with his pointer finger, scanning the small team. His eyes land on Scott and I can literally feel Scott boiling under his sharp stare.

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