chapter 6

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"Alright boys! Hit the room and meet back here in ten. Bar time at 18:00!" John shouts and the whole team cheers, bolting for the locker room. I lag behind, feeling suddenly uncomfortable standing alone in Scott's practice clothes.

Once all the boys disappear inside the doors, I take my time walking to them, counting how long it takes. I stand outside the doors for a little bit, playing with the hem of the jersey and trying to pass time. When I feel enough time has been given, I gently knock on the door. When no one answers, I cautiously push open the door and screw my eyes shut.

"Scott?" I call out timidly. There are whistles and laughs and then unbelievable silence.

"Can I open my eyes?" I ask softly, afraid that if I do I will walk out of here scarred for life.

"You can if you want a nice sight of my balls," someone snickers. I growl, but slowly open them anyway, reaching out with my hands to make sure no one is standing in front of me. As I look around there are a lot of shirtless guys, all of them with really nice bodies I have to say, but all shorts are on.

They are standing around their lockers, faced toward the center in a rectangle. It smells like sweat and man in here and I try really hard not to wrinkle my nose. I sigh in relief as I spot Scott and move toward him leaning against his locker, his regular shirt draped over his shoulder.

"What do you want?" He asks irritated. I raise my eyebrows but don't comment, searching for my clothes I placed on the bench.

"Where are my clothes?" I ask, awkwardly trying to keep my gaze from traveling to the shirtless boys.

Scott shrugs much to my chagrin and goes back to talking to his friends. I try to force my anger down as I search the whole bench for my clothes. I finally find them underneath the bench, tossed aside. I have to bend down to reach them and I can literally feel all twenty-two pairs of eyes glued to my ass. I turn around slowly and walk as carefully as I can to the bathroom stalls.

"If any of you come near me whilst I'm in the stall I will literally cut off your testicles," I warn before locking the door. There are guffaws and breathy comments but I ignore them, quickly changing out of Scott's practice clothes. Thank the Lord I decided it was a sports bra day, I silently congratulate myself, stepping out of the stall. Scott reaches for his clothes but I pull back.

"I'll wash them for you. They're dirty."

He seems taken aback by my simple statement and it takes him a few seconds to respond.

"Oh," he says. "Okay."

I have nothing else to say so I just nod curtly and carefully make my way toward the locker room doors.

"Trey!" Someone calls my name and I turn my head but don't stop walking.

"Ye-" I am about to answer when I trip over someone's cleated-foot and fall into someone's chest. I reach my hands out to catch myself and they connect with a shirtless torso.

I whip my head around and lock eyes with Louis. I can feel my heartbeat quicken so dramatically it's almost comical. I open and close my mouth a few times before I realize my hands are still on his chest.

"Oh shit, I am so sorry," I apologize, my face flushing. I hear snickers behind me and I drop my head, staring solidly at the locker room floor.

"It's ok," Louis says slowly, a small smile evident in his voice. I glance out of the corner of my eyes to find Angel with his fist shoved in his mouth to prevent himself from laughing out loud. I realize he was the one who called out my name so just before I turn to leave, I quietly take my hand out of my pocket and slip him the finger. His eyes grow wide and I stifle a snort before shuffling out the door.

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