chapter 3

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You're all going to hate me for this chapter...

I rub my eyes with the heels of my hands as we sit in silence, the monotonous ticking of the clock on the lounge room wall the only sound. Why is he here? What is he doing?

"Why?" I whisper finally, biting my lip furiously. The alcohol is still coursing through my body and it gives everything a slight haze. I really need to lay off drinking. I blink rapidly before my eyes focus on Louis' face, his stare attached to me.

"Why what?" He sounds genuinely curious, reaching up to smooth his hair to the side.

"Why did you come back? Why are you here now? Why do you care?"

"Woah, slow down! One question at a time!"

I glare at him but stop talking, allowing him to gather his thoughts.

"I didn't come back. I was at the bar and you just happened to be there a second time." Louis says, not looking at me. I scoff.

"So you hang out at the same bar every day?"

"Not all the time," he whispers. I roll my eyes but instantly regret it as a wave of dizziness overtakes me.

"I'm here because I took you home and I want to make sure you're ok and not going to die in your sleep from alcohol poisoning."

"I'm not going to die. And you wouldn't care anyway."

"What makes you think I wouldn't?" He demands, getting up from the sofa chair to stand in front of me. I look up into his darkened blue eyes and search for any hint of dishonesty. His gaze doesn't waver, staring down at me with such intensity I have to look away.

"And I do care. We're kind of like friends."

I shake my head, a tight-lipped smile on my face. "Friends. Lovely."


I take a deep breath and immediately stand, swaying for a moment. Louis catches my arm and leads to me to the kitchen, quickly opening a cabinet and taking out a cup. He fills me a glass of water and slips a small Advil pill into my hand.

"Take this. For precaution."

I swallow the pill and gulp down the water, quenching my unknown thirst.

"You know you have different personalities when you're drunk," Louis comments, tilting his head to the side. I squint at him and pretend not to notice he changed the subject, shrugging my shoulders.

"Do I?"'

"Yeah. Yesterday at the bar you were flirty and playful, it was quite amusing, then when we got here you were pushy and....horny." His cheeks blush that cute pink colour and I involuntarily reach out to brush my thumb across his jawline. He tenses up but soon relaxes, warming to my touch.

"Sorry," I mumble, taking another swig of my water.

"And you also have anger issues," he chuckles. I punch his arm, furrowing my forehead.

"No I don't!" I defend myself.

"Yes you do! You pushed me up against my car, your door, and the wall!"

I snort, placing the cup on the table and walking out of the kitchen. Louis follows, not saying anything. I stroll down my hallway, careful not to slam into anything from my drunkenness.

I approach my bedroom and enter the loo, splashing cold water on my face. I look up at the mirror and cringe when I see my pale face and my glassy green eyes. I sigh heavily and walk out, resorting to lying on my bed. Louis sits down next to me, not saying a word.

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