chapter 12

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­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­The ride back to my flat is silent, absolutely silent. No radio, no talking, just breathing. I still grip the piece of paper in my hands, eager to get home to put the number in.

“You can add his mobile number into your phone, Trey,” Louis says suddenly, startling me.

“What?” I ask quickly.

He turns his head and looks pointedly at me. “I’m not stupid. You don’t have to wait until I’m not here to do it. I know what’s on that piece of paper.”

Suddenly, I’m angry. You don’t know what’s on the back! I want to shout at him.

I huff in response and we lapse back into the unsettling quiet. He pulls up in front of my building and parks in his usual visitor’s stall. I quickly get out of the car, running onto the sidewalk. To my surprise, and should I say annoyance, Louis gets out of his car and follows me as well. I enter the lobby and head straight for the stairs. I hear Louis shuffle after me and I sigh.

“Why are we taking the stairs for three flights up?” He whines, jogging to keep up with me. I power walk up the stairs not waiting for him. I am still angry with him for what he said today and for hijacking my date.

“I just didn’t feel like being in a small, enclosed space with you for thirty seconds,” I snap, reaching my floor and walking toward my door.

“Ouch,” Louis laughs, sidling up next to me. I grit my teeth but don’t comment, pulling out my key and unlocking my door. As I am about to slam it in his face, he catches it, resisting me.

I groan loudly. “What the hell do you want, Louis?”

“I want you to stop being so angry with me!”

“Tough shit!”

Louis runs a tired hand through his hair. “Look, I already said I was sorry.”

“And I already said I didn’t care! Go away, you shouldn’t even be here,” I retort, trying to close the door again. This time, Louis wedges his whole body in the door so I can’t close it without hurting him. That’s sounding really good right about now.

“What do you mean I’m not supposed to be here?” Louis asks cautiously.

I look at him as if he’s stupid. “I’m your coach. And you’re a player. Whatever this,” I gesture between us. “Whatever this was cannot go on. Now leave.”

I don’t want to say it but he leaves me no choice. His mouth is gaping open, his eyes wide.

“What?! ‘Whatever this was cannot go on’ what the hell kind of bullshit are you pulling Trey? Nothing ever went on and nothing ever will go on! We are just friends!” He shouts. I feel like my heart is ripping out of my chest and being lit on fire.

“You call backstabbing me friendship?” I ask shrilly.

“I didn’t backstab you!”

“Yes you did! I trusted you and you threw it all away!”

“How could you have trusted me if you never even knew me?”

I am silent for a few moments.

“Bloody hell, Trey. I’m done trying to apologize to you,” Louis says in a low voice.

“Good!” I shout back.



We stare at each other for a few seconds before Louis shoves the door off him.

I step back into my flat and he looks at me with cold blue eyes. “I thought you were nice, Louis.” I say.

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