chapter 28

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"And somehow we always end up at my flat, on my couch, in total silence," I break the long awkward moment with a nervous laugh. Louis chuckles beside me.

"What is there to talk about?" Louis asks. Very good point. How about how much I want to take you against the wall? Or how I want to kiss your mouth so hard our lips can only be removed surgically? I say nothing.

"Oh hey! Did you ever call, uh, what was that bloke's name? The guy you went on a 'proper' date with?" Louis suddenly turns to me. I raise my eyebrows.

"You mean Romeo? And it's none of your business whether I called him or not!"

Louis laughs. "You didn't do it did you? Was it because I ruined it? Or do you just like me more?" There's a mischievous glint in his eyes that I'm growing increasingly worried about.

"I'm a professional Louis, I do not like you," I manage to say with a good amount of force.

"Then why didn't you call him?" He challenges.

"Maybe I just wanted to wait for the right time!"

"What? A whole month later?"

"It has not been a month!" I argue, crossing my arms in front of me.

"Oh come on! It has been a long time though. Call him right now, I dare you." Finally the glint in his eyes has a meaning. I suddenly feel the weight of my phone in my back pocket.

"Um, I left my phone in my room," I say quickly.

Louis smiles and leans toward me. I lean away from him and awkwardly look around my lounge.

"Then go get it."

"No, Louis I don't really think this is a gre-LOUIS!" I scream as Louis jumps off the couch and launches down the hallway to my bedroom. He giggles like a child as I chase him, pushing him onto the bed.

"STOP! LOUIS NO!" I yell, closing the drawer he just opened. He giggles even louder as he dances around my bed, looking under piles of clothes for the phone that's in my back pocket.

"Why? Don't you want to marry Romeo?" He mocks, the grin on his face widening. I face palm myself and groan.

"I only went out with him once how can I want to marry him?" I ask in frustration, running and barring Louis from escaping out the door.

"Crazy kids are doing crazy things these days," he answers, throwing open my closet.

I shake my head as he turns to glare at me. "I don't see a phone in here, Trey. Where is it?"

"Oh, I must've left it in my car," I pretend remember. Louis steps toward me with another mischievous glint in his blue eyes and I panic internally.

"I think you're lying."

"I'm not."

"Mm. Like you weren't lying about the phone being in here?" Another step closer.

"Sorry. I forgot I didn't put it in here."

Another step. "Well, I think I know where it is."

"Oh really?" My voice squeaks and I let out a nervous laugh. "Where is it?"

"Right here," Louis says as he places his hand on my butt, directly over my phone. I scream as he takes it out and darts down the hallway, me racing after him.

"LOUIS GODDAMN TOMLINSON GIVE IT BACK!" I shriek as I see him start to scroll through something.

"Not till I call him."

I gasp and run straight at him, reaching for the phone. He puts it just outside my grasp. I growl in frustration and swat at him, trying to get it.

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