chapter 21

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“Louis!” I whisper yell against the door. “Louis!”

There is no response and I shuffle closer to his door. “Louis! Come out here!”

Again there is nothing and I’m beginning to give up. I cautiously sneak my way to the front window and peer inside, grateful the curtains aren’t pulled shut. I don’t see anyone inside so I turn around, ready to leave. I bump into a warm body and let out an ‘oof’.

“I’m so sorr—Louis!”

“Trey!” He giggles and I smile a little.

“I’ve been looking for you,” I say slowly, looking anywhere but his eyes.

He raises his eyebrows. “Oh really?” His face is centimeters from mine whilst he leans in. “What for you?”

My eyes grow wide and I clear my throat loudly, scooting away from him. This would be a whole lot easier if I wasn’t his coach and he wasn’t so irresistible.

“Err, I need you to gather everyone for practice and meet me by the waterfall. That’s the biggest space we’re going to find around here. If they don’t want to come, drag them. If we’re going to be let off early for good behavior I need full cooperation. And tell them to bring their own balls if they have any.” I say with as much authority as I can muster.

Louis laughs at my choice of words but I manage to bite my tongue.

“Yes ma’am. But you shouldn’t be leaving by yourself; John is going to get angry again.”

I flip my hair and walk down his stairs. “Bite me,” I call over my shoulder.


I play keep-ups by myself whilst I wait for Louis and the gang of slugs to get here. There weren’t any cones inside the bus so I made do with a couple big rocks for the goal.

After a few boring minutes, I start to grow restless, kicking the ball harder and harder. It flies out of reach and I chase after it, dribbling and keeping it in line for the goal. Just as I have a clean break away, I fake right, turn left and drop a kick so beautiful David Beckham would have been jealous. I land on the ground with a thud but watch the ball sail through the air directly into the water. Sweat trickles down my temple as I lay back in the soft grass, impatiently waiting for Louis to show up. Still, there is no sound from the forest so I stand up and grab the ball from the water. The coolness of the water feels good against my hot skin and I debate whether or not to take off my shirt, but I decide against it. It’s too early. The grey clouds from before gave way to intense sunshine later in the afternoon and now it’s freaking hot.

Suddenly, I hear a loud crash and muffled cursing coming from the woods and I stand with the ball in my arms as twenty-two lads shuffle into the clearing. Identical looks of glum and dulled anger shine on their faces and I suppress the urge to laugh.

“Took you forever!” I shout once Louis is in earshot. He shakes his head in mock frustration and shrugs his shoulders. I grin and he grins back and there’s a moment of just us before Angel clears his throat and steps forward.

“So, what are we doing here, coach? Louis said you had to talk to us?”

I ignore him and turn toward everyone else.

“I hope all of you brought some balls of your own,” I raise my voice so everyone can hear. They glare at me with blank faces and I take that as encouragement.

“I’m sure John didn’t say anything to any of you, but we have to practice. For the next four days. Isn’t that just lovely?”

A loud groan emanates from the group and whining voices drift into the air.

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