chapter 37

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"Yeah and then she opened the door and fucking looked at me with that infuriating glare and was all "Oh, you're not getting any help from me you can go suck a dick" and I was so angry and scared and frustrated and of course I acted like a freaking little bitch," I say, slamming the cupboard door closed. "I had a golden opportunity to shove my foot so far up her ass her grandchildren will be walking funny but I decided that it was a good time to break down and cry. Louis had to practically drag my sobbing body away from the door."

On the other side of the phone, my dad sighs. "It's alright Trey. You were the bigger person and chose not to resort to violence."

"I didn't choose nonviolence! I was ready to beat the crap out of everyone. My brain just decided to shut down and prove to them how much of a puss-" my dad clears his throat in warning. "-bitch I am. It's so annoying because I know I can stick up for myself, you've seen me do it, but sometimes I get so awkward and let people walk all over me," I groan as I slump down on the couch. The other end is silent.

"At least you won't have to see them again."

"How do you know that? They pop up when I least expect them and I'm getting real sick of it."

Suddenly, there's a loud urgent knock on my door. I groan again and stand up to answer it. As soon as I swing it open Louis comes barging in, blue eyes wide in panic.

"Uh," I say, my mouth wide open.

"Can I talk to you?" He asks, his voice high.

"Uh," I say again whilst my dad laughs in my ear.

"I'll talk to you later, Trey. Goodnight love."

"Bye dad," I say at the same time as Louis says, "I need your help."

I end my call and gaze at him curiously.

"Depending on what it is, I'll help."

Louis wrings his hands and paces back and forth. I squint at him until I can't take his movement any longer.

"Louis!" I snap. "Stop moving and just tell me what you want!"

Louis shudders so hard I think his shoulders are going to dislocate. "John asked me..."

Oh no. I dread to know where this is going.

" babysit," Louis finishes with a whisper. I stare at him in disbelief.

"He wants you to babysit?" I echo. Louis nods. I burst out laughing. "You're getting stressed out because John wants you to babysit?? Oh my God." I clutch my stomach, my giggles coming in short, loud bursts.

"It's not funny! It's proper terrifying!" He yells, swatting at my arm.

"No it's not! They're little kids who need to play for about three minutes before they pass out. Dude, you need to chill."

"For the record, it's one little kid and I've been told she's the little devil," Louis crosses his arms over his chest, blue eyes trained on me. I snort.

"I highly doubt she's the devil."

"Let's go find out then. Come on, come with me." Louis grabs my hand and hauls me out of my flat. I try to ignore the burning sensation of our hands touching whilst I close and lock my door. Following Louis into the lift, I think of possible games to play with the little girl.

"Why did John ask you of all people to babysit for him?" I ask Louis, stepping out of the lift.

"Hey! That's offensive. How do you know I didn't volunteer for it?"

I look at him. "You literally just referred to the child as a devil."

He sputters for a few seconds before swiftly walking away, leaving me smiling. We hop into his car and start off down the street.

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