chapter 19

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I peel my soaking wet clothes off my shivering body and throw them on the bathroom floor. They land with a muffled thwack and I kick them away. Shivering even harder, I grab a fluffy towel and rub it aggressively across my body, begging myself to feel something, anything, and to get warm. Tears well up in my eyes as I look at my pale, bluish skin. When I am completely dry I wrap the towel around me, picking up my sopping clothes. I walk out of the loo and take three steps toward the staircase when a soft knock is heard on the front door. I ignore it, hoping it will go away. Clutching my clothes to my chest, I carefully make my way up the stairs, pausing only when the knock is heard again, this time louder. I groan loudly, stomping the rest of the way up and then trudging all the way back down. I fix my towel to make sure it’s not falling whilst I answer the door, a scowl evident on my face. Angel is standing here with his fist hovering in the air, a surprised look on his face.

“Hell-ah! Sorry!” He starts but quickly turns his face away from my towel-clad body.

“It’s ok,” I sigh, grabbing the top of the towel just in case. “What do you want?”

“I want to talk.”

I shake my head. “No. I’m tired, it’s late, and I’m really not in the mood.” I attempt to close the door but Angel sticks his foot inside.

“Please Trey. I want to know what happened.”

I blink a few times at him, hoping he’ll get the message from my lack of response. Much to my chagrin, he just stares at me until I sigh long and loud allowing him to enter my cabin. He walks quickly to the couch and leans against the back of it, facing me. I stand awkwardly in my open doorway until I slowly shut it, not moving from my position.


“Well what?” I snap, my exhaustion slicing through my words. I cross my arms over my chest and heave another sigh. “I don’t really want to do this right now, Angel.”

“I know and I promise I’ll make this quick. So how did you end up in the woods?”

Rolling my eyes, I make my way to the little kitchen, grabbing a cup and pouring in some water. I take my time filling up the cup, drawing the frustration out of Angel. He shifts against the couch in irritation and I smile to myself. My good-girl attitude is done.

“Basically, Scott said a few things, I beat the shit out of him, realized what I did was horribly out of line, ran away into the forest, Louis followed me, we got lost, it started to storm, we got hypothermia and basically almost died. The end. Now get out,” I finish all in one breath.

“Woah woah woah!” Angel puts up a hand to stop me. “You beat up Scott?”

I grunt. “Out of all of that, that’s the only thing you took away? Yes I beat up Scott.”

Angel ignores my jab. “He told me he was playing footie and kicked the ball too hard against a tree and it slammed him in the nose.”

I snort. “So that’s what he’s been telling everyone. I knew it wouldn’t be the truth. And you believed him? Next you’re going to be telling me footballs can grow hands and leave fist-sized bruises on people’s stomachs.”

“Why the hell did you beat him up?”

I open my mouth in exasperation. “Do I need to spell it out for everyone?! He said a bunch of things he shouldn’t have so I shut him up. Obviously it was not the smartest move on my part, but come on he had it coming.”

“Trey!” Angel takes a pause to glare at me. “What the hell were you thinking?”

I shudder hard in my small towel and angrily flick away my damp hair. “What was I thinking? What was I thinking?” I am beyond livid now and my brain is about to short circuit. “I was thinking of defending myself and a friend from an asshole’s allegations! You weren’t there, you don’t know the things he said to me!” I am screaming now, my rage mounting quickly.

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