chapter 29

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Louis isn’t in my bed when I wake up. Which sounds totally wrong and unprofessional in so many ways but I can’t help but miss his presence. What happened last night was…shocking to say the least. To think I actually had him next to me, under the same covers as me, is enough to make me want to hurl myself against a wall. I shuffle to the kitchen, tiredly grabbing a cereal bowl and box. I spot my teacup sitting on the counter and under it is a note. I wearily pick it up and recognize the familiar messy handwriting from the directions to the bar Louis gave me that first day after practice.

Sorry I had to run out, love, but I doubt you wanted me to stay for as long as I did.

I found this teacup sitting on my motorcycle seat and realized I forgot to give it back.

Anyway, thanks for letting me stay over (no matter how much you wanted to be “professional”) and I hope I didn’t piss you off too badly.

I guess I’ll see you at football practice :)


p.s. I didn’t forget to get gas

I gasp in astonishment at the last sentence and curse out loud. That little shithead! I knew he was lying last night, I just knew it! And of course I didn’t kick him out like I should have.

I curse some more as I stamp around my kitchen, almost slamming the cup in the sink. I storm back to my bedroom and slam the door.

“I hate you!” I yell to the air.

No, you really don’t, Trey.


“Ok! I think that’s the last of it!” I grunt, hauling up the last suitcase from the bus and dropping it on the sidewalk.

“What are we leaving the city for a year? Do you really need all that crap?” Scott asks me, gesturing to my bags of stuff.

“Most of it is football gear. The rest of it is clothes. We’re gonna be on the road for a while, ok, so shut up.” I retort, picking up my football and putting it under my arm.

“Do you need help?” Angel comes by and reaches down to grab a suitcase.

“NO! I’m ok,” I hastily say, snatching it from him. He looks at me with his yellow eyes and seems sad but I shrug. We’re getting better but I’m not willing to forgive or forget.

“Lads! Inside the hotel, now!” John calls, his voice sounding still a bit nasally from the broken nose. It has healed quite a bit over the past two weeks, but he tells me it still ‘hurts like a bitch’. He’s able to coach, which I’m relieved about, but he can barely breathe sometimes.

I manage to wrestle with my bags and get halfway in the door before it closes on me, putting me in an awkward on-the-floor-but-still-holding-on-to-my-things situation.

“Uh…guys? Can I get some help here?” I ask whilst I slide lower and lower onto the floor.

I hear Louis’ short burst of laughter before he appears in front of me, holding open the door so I can squirm inside.

“Always classy and always graceful,” he remarks, picking up my football bag and flinging it over his shoulder. I roll my eyes and get up, dragging my other two suitcases behind me.

We walk together toward the rest of the group in front of the hotel desk and wait for John to give us our room keys.

“You’re going to be sharing rooms. Two boys to a room and Trey and I will have our separate ones. You may hang around in each other’s rooms but if I hear noise at three in the morning I will throw you all out the window, do I make myself clear?” John demands; dangling a set of key cards in his hand. We all nod and eagerly wait whilst he reads off the names of the boys who will be sharing rooms. Scott and Louis are together again, given that they’re the captains, and I have to laugh at the start of this trip. It’s just like camping.

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