chapter 27

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You could hear the roar of Louis' motorcycle from inside the bar. I clench my teeth and lay my head in my hands. My dad's face lights up at the sound and he takes a swig of his beer whilst turning to face the front door. Louis makes a show of taking off his helmet whilst walking into the bar like he's God's gift to the world. I sigh extra loudly and make a show of sliding over to the end of the booth so he can't sit with us.

"Do you mind if I sit here?" Louis asks politely after finally spotting us. I stare in stony silence until he rolls his eyes and asks my dad.

"Sure Tomlinson! Square, why don't you move over and let the lad in?"

I glare at my dad before getting up. "You're on the inside," I say tightly. Louis doesn't even try to hide his grin as he slides in and I huff.

"Thanks for inviting me," he says, trying to make small talk. I glare straight ahead.

"The whole team was invited you dipwad," I whisper, more to myself than anyone else but I feel a sharp jab from my dad's foot into my shin.

"Square, be nice," he scolds me. I ignore both of them as I moodily sip my water.

"What? No scotch?" Louis mumbles into my ear, his warm lips pressed against my skin. My eyes widen and I clear my throat uncomfortably.

"Shut up."

"Mr. Marcus! What brought you to our little footie game this afternoon?" Louis changes the subject and turns his attention to my dad who is watching our exchange with amusement in his narrowed eyes.

"Well I wanted to see my baby girl coach her first game. And what a game it was! Holy shit I thought she was going to be thrown out of the game!"

"Dad!" I whine, although it was true.

"You had some nice chances, son, but you need to center yourself more when you kick. That first shot you had didn't miss the net by much but your body was off balance. Just something to work on," my dad says to Louis, taking a sip of beer. I nod in agreement and Louis looks at me.

"What?" I practically snarl.

"Now I see where you get it from."

"Get what from?"

"Your prediction abilities. Scott told me you can track goals."

Across the table, my dad's eyes flit to me quickly. I shift in my seat and there's an awkward pause before I mumble something incoherent.


"I said my mum used to be able to do it. She's the one who taught me," I say quietly. My heart seizes at the memory and I grit my teeth.

"Can she teach me? I would love to learn," Louis sounds eager and my mouth tugs down in a frown. Tears prickle the corners of my eyes and I sniffle, clearing my throat gruffly.

"Uh...Trey?" The softness in Louis' voice startles me and a tear slips out. I push away from the table abruptly and stand in the middle of the bar.

"C'mon, Square. Don't be like that now," my dad says, trying to sound strong but I hear the underlying tremble in his voice.

"Can someone tell me what the hell is going on?" Louis sounds scared.

Neither of us answers him.

"Please sit down," Louis whispers.

Reluctantly I obey, staying near the end of the booth.

"Can you teach me how to track goals?" Louis asks after a few moments. My dad manages to crack a pained smile at his expense but I turn a glare on Louis.

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